“He has a cabinet and advisors”
“He has a cabinet and advisors”
Glad to read the strongly positive review, because I’ll be honest that trailer was useless as marketing.
Between your and the Dog’s comments up there I’m disappointed to hear it wasn’t more compelling. The trailer looked like nasty fun.
Like a number of people I continued to come here out of internet muscle memory, and since the sale to Paste the uptick in quality has been rapid. Legacy writers (the good ones!) coming back, return of long-dormant features, and the near absence of reposted clickbait crap. I have moved from guardedly to full-on optimist…
Agree. He’s transitioned from being famous for current movie releases to being a presence that people do take seriously. He is plugged in, and I’m sure is not saying this lightly about Biden given the risks of a switch at this point.
People (myself included) rightfully get annoyed at Hollywood halfwits dispensing advice of any kind. But Clooney has long been part of the Democratic fundraising circuit and DOES know a lot of actual elected officials, party functionaries and other donors. So while I may not look to him for guidance, there’s no…
The media is going on about it now because after four years of pretending there was nothing to see here, the debate performance spoke for itself directly to the public. Pretending that it was a badly timed 90 minutes and that all is well would make them look either stupid or completely lacking any credibility. So what…
I think the issue is that the Democratic Party is a coalition with elements that don’t always synch with one another. An open convention would be highly contentious and probably result in third party candidates that would split voters away from the nominee. That convention would be chaos.
Clinton was a uniquely terrible candidate whom the Democrats cleared the deck for because it was “her turn.” She was her own worst enemy throughout the campaign.
Condoleeza Rice could have been president four cycles ago if she wanted to.
Guess he’s too good for Fop. Fucking Hollywood elitist.
I think the problem there is it would have looked even more like a me-too Yellowstone. Regardless, the trailer for the first installment wasn’t that compelling and absolutely seems like even in its current format should absolutely have been given time to find an audience on streaming. I rarely say that because I…
Yup. “I am in no way aligned or affiliated with The Daily Wire.” Cool, noted. Congrats on getting your film distributed, though.
Right, which is why you would have to start AND end with the actors. The actual astronauts would have to be completely anonymous and never publicized even after a successful return. Based upon Battlecar’s description up there, this is a massive plot hole that the movie doesn’t address.
Until fairly recently? I’d say complicity. You think Weinstein was going to blackball Spacey over this?
Hollywood is such a unique case because the casting couch was part of the business for most of the 20th century, and probably into the 21st. Seems like studio execs in particular got away with pretty much anything. Sure sleeping with the boss is a time-honored approach to advancement, but wasn’t the baseline…
I’m not sure she’s saying she got over it, so much as she was expected to get over it. That doesn’t make her take coherent. People shouldn’t have grabbed her genitals. Spacey shouldn’t have grabbed other people’s genitals. The fact that people didn’t get worked up over it happening to her doesn’t mean they shouldn’t…
A comment I’ve seen elsewhere is that Biden is fully lucid much of the time - just not all of the time. So the hope was with rest and prep, one of those lucid moments would line up with the timing of the debate. And then it didn’t.