
There’s making the assumption that’s why a person is in a role, and then there’s being told point-blank that the first criteria for selection are gender and race.  And even then, back to your point there’s a reason people make that assumption, and this sort of situation is it.

Your expectation isn’t unfounded.  He never explicitly said he would only serve one term if elected, but it was certainly implied.

Well this year’s budget bill did get passed with bipartisan support that excluded the nutjobs, so there’s always SOME hope.

The most cynical view is that he beat Trump once, so as long as he can keep it together long enough to win this year we can deal with the inevitable later.

I don’t think the issue is she’s a black woman.  I think it’s that she’s this particular black woman.  Her interviews are excruciating. 

She’s been given what, two jobs as VP? The most visible was the border situation and her response is that we have to get to the root causes that drive migrants to the U.S. I.e. eradicate central and South American nations of violent crime and reform a bunch of economic basket cases.  THEN we can talk about asylum

That’s the immediate solution, but then she has to win in November.

I think it’s a combination of issues, and not related to Biden himself.

Only when they’re looking at the bad side.

You don’t need to tiptoe around the fact that on this point (and setting the Spacey topic aside entirely), she’s right. The expansion of the definition of sexual assault has only served to render the phrase less valuable and impactful. Some of the statistics we read include experiences like being made to feel


Yeah it’s not like there was some sort of hearing where he was officially exiled from Hollywood. Even if he didn’t commit felonies, his behavior made enough people queasy that filmmakers are hesitant to cast him. It’s the first thing people think of when they hear his name.  As you say, plenty of good actors out

But not the ass.

I caught that it was meant to be backup in case there was a tragedy with the actual mission, but thought the “rom” part was a sidebar. More Wag the Dog than...hell, I don’t know. You’ve Got Mail.

Hoping he shows up in the movie (even though I won’t see it).

The almost perfectly split Congress we have right now is a big factor as well. Normally the MTGs of the world would be treated as sideshows; now they only need a few fellow travelers to cause serious disruptions and so can’t be ignored.

Because she’s not terribly popular within the party, and didn’t even make it to the first primary in 2020 before dropping out due to lack of support. You’re right that she’s not less popular than Biden, but they both have around 37% approval ratings so there’s not much downside room left for either of them. So if the

Oh I agree with your take, and was commenting on the “why” part - because they weren’t called on it until the obvious became undeniable.

Biden apparently didn’t have to go all Joe from Scranton on them, based upon who turned out to oppose him in this primary (or didn’t) and the apparent lack of bench.

The “bridge” term was one he himself used in an interview.  I agree there was probably some wishful thinking at the DNC that this means short-term.  Maybe he meant more of a “span.”