
Because he’s been able to lay low enough that while plenty of people strongly suspected, his staff and other Dem politicians worked hard to assure the world everything was fine. The debate was the tipping point where his condition was laid so bare that continuing that pretense makes you look straight-up foolish and/or

Which if true would be incomprehensible. He campaigned as a bridge to a younger generation of Democratic leaders, so if he had stuck to doing what he said then they would have long ago been thinking about alternatives.

Yeah but Democrats currently find themselves in a similar position.  You have a sitting incumbent president who refuses to step aside.  So Democrats are left to either assassinate him to the point where he drops out and they replace him, with all the attendant risks, or white-knuckle it and hope he hangs around and

I think the unanimous position here is that Biden is doing an incredibly selfish thing. He ran in 2020 as a bridge to a younger generation and strongly implied he’d only serve one term, knocking Trump out of office and then letting the party sort out long-term viable options. Then he won and remembered he was a

Living in TX I’ve seen Beto in action. He seems great in small doses but is a complete scatterbrain any time he talks for more than a few minutes. It’s why he’s never been successful outside his west Texas congressional district. He finishes answering a question and everyone is left with puzzled looks on their faces.

He 100% ran as a brand-building exercise. He wanted to come in second or third so he could brag about how he just decided to run for President one day and almost beat a bunch of career politicians. The result was more like the old Eddie Murphy bit about white people getting drunk and voting for Jesse Jackson as a goof,

Yeah when people started comparing Romney to Hitler I knew it was time to tune out. 

There was also the FBI’s Keystone Kops handling of her email business. By offering his opinion that while yes there were some irregularities, they were nothing a prosecutor would bother with (which is NOT something the FBI is supposed to comment on - they’re cops, not prosecutors), he had to comment when it came to

Florida: The Movie

The issue is you’d have to have an open convention - just proclaiming Harris the candidate would cause a massive backlash due to lack of say on the subject and the fact that Harris isn’t especially popular. And an open convention would almost certainly be highly contentious with rifts between various constituencies

Even funnier is it apparently took less than 20 years for a couple of Senators to take control and become Emperors again.

Presumably they also cast someone they weren’t concerned would die during filming.

Now playing

Cosign on The Insider. Always appreciate the opportunity to post one of my favorite movie scenes. Get ‘em, D-Day!

Yeah you’d think a producer role would actually carry some marketing weight here (with a big “Producer Russell Crowe” card in the trailer), providing connectivity to a performance people remember favorably.

Really? Women found the title crude? Who could have anticipated that??

Disbelief. “That has to mean something else, right??”

She remarkably polls below Biden.  So I’m not sure that’s a winning strategy.

Might shake voters out of apathy, but more likely would result in pandemonium at the DNC convention, which is only six weeks away.

The problem was she had been a competing candidate who never polled above 3% and didn’t even make it to the first primary. Biden promising to make his selection based upon gender and ethnicity has now painted the entire party into a corner, because skipping over her to pick someone else would piss a lot of their

The political media has done irreparable harm to itself by so obviously covering for Biden for the last four years.