
I expect there’s also the frustration that Biden now has the same hammerlock on the party that Trump does with Republicans. He won’t quit and they won’t forcibly remove him.  So we have...

Because half the world is on an opposite time zone, including China and Russia.  I don’t think it’s unfair to expect a president who can function after sundown DC time.

Because it’s not just the debate anymore. Beginning with his 2020 campaign the Democrats’ party line has been “who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?” He didn’t have to endure the rigors of a presidential campaign because of COVID. People now feel like not just the party but the media have been covering

Given how long his name has been attached to major productions I’m surprised to learn he was only 63. Cancer doesn’t care...

How gracious of you.  That’s really the first thing you felt the need to say??

Perhaps, but by the time Etheridge tapped him for sperm she knew what she was signing her kid up for.

For sure. There aren’t too many filmmakers who will trust the audience to keep up with that layering of plot and connect the dots.

If they’d gone Henny Youngman at least we’d have gotten a “take my wife...please!”  Mason was abysmal.

Yeah the only time I see them is traveling in neon packs on the expressway.

Vague recollection of that one, but I don’t remember being as bewildered as with Caddyshack

I agree, but in this case you’ve either given up 1/3 of the way through or just decided to roll with it.

Plus any scene that Wilfred Brimley’s in is pure gold.

Apparently “Trending” can mean a lot of things.

Watching Silverman and McCarthy try to figure out where the dings are coming from is priceless.

Yeah you just gotta go with it as farce. Suspension of disbelief is key to enjoying this movie. I remember enjoying it despite recalling almost nothing about it outside of them unknowingly banging his body off the navigation buoys.

Caddyshack II is probably the worst movie I’ve ever seen.  Unnecessary and terrible.

Stores are open!

Ha, not a comment I expected a response to a year on. But yeah, Marketplace probably saved a lot of indie shops (and smaller retailers in general) because they could put their inventories on a massive platform.

It’s on I-10, which is a straight shot all the way across the state from the two farthest possible points. It’s pure Texas flex because it serves no useful purpose.

No surprise.  Northern Louisiana is the south, like MS, TN or AL. Southern LA is its own completely unique animal.