Maybe he learned to play some of Kurt’s guitars?
Maybe he learned to play some of Kurt’s guitars?
Plus how big a band would it take to crate all the sounds 3.5 hours of Swiftpop requires? She plays plenty with just her guitar but for at least half her catalog an analog band would be impossible. Just a different animal from the Foos. But her training for the tour by running 4 hours a day on the treadmill while…
My wife loves her and has a (lengthy) playlist she’ll run while we’re doing stuff around the house, and when you listen to her history of hits all stacked up it really does get repetitive. It can be funny in smaller doses, her takedown songs are entertaining, but at this point in her career I can’t see her relying on…
I think that ship may be turning under the new ownership, and with the return of some of the old writers. The articles are generally less short-form clickbait nonsense. I agree that this seems like an odd choice for a PG-13 rating.
I never saw the Robocop remake and don’t plan to, but a massive part of the original’s success was how gleefully profane and vulgar it was. Completely matched the setting and social circumstances. Not surprised a remake that tried to dilute all of that wouldn’t pan out.
Violence doesn’t seem to be much of a ratings issue (and hasn’t for a long time) so I expect there’s minimal nudity and exactly one use of “fuck.” Otherwise, open season.
You’re not missing anything. Movie was dull and predictable.
It’s been a thing since Seven / Se7en, so I expect you’re right.
A completely underrated film. One of the best comedies of the 2000s.
How is this sprawl? Seems like an urban density issue. Amount is obviously nuts.
I certainly can’t understand the point of having a car someplace like NYC. There’s nowhere you can drive and park more quickly than walking, cabbing, etc. and at a fraction the cost.
Yeah we have a huge rolling bin (at least it’s green in color!) that gets dumped into a garbage truck. Supposedly it’s separated by the collector but I can’t imagine there’s much attention to detail on their end.
Doesn’t matter - they just do. So whoever’s taking the order needs to be able to process that. If I work at McDonald’s and someone orders a sundae without caramel that doesn’t even come with caramel, then I know to just ignore it. Meanwhile this AI apparently goes walkabout and arrives at “no cream.”
You don’t have to be a boomer to know this experience:
He gave up cash compensation years ago in exchange for participation in long-term stock appreciation, and won. Much as people might hate it, he’s not wrong.
I still think Toyota has it right on hybrids. Valid or not, concerns about the use case on pure EVs affect the buying decision. Giving people a real-life experience of how much they can do with just the battery either sets them up for the next car to be EV or confirms that they actually do need some gasoline range.
It’s honestly pretty amazing. How many other buying decisions are driven so heavily by public opinion of a company CEO? For the most part I have no idea who makes up company leadership over products I buy and even when I do could not care less.