Plus most of the best-designed vehicles out of those boring car companies are EVs. I have no problem with Tesla styling but it seems like every day something different catches my eye, and turns out to be EV (or hybrid).
Plus most of the best-designed vehicles out of those boring car companies are EVs. I have no problem with Tesla styling but it seems like every day something different catches my eye, and turns out to be EV (or hybrid).
$32k for anything you wouldn’t be embarrassed to drive is pretty damn good.
The current payday was based upon a formula agreed to years ago, so no matter how counterproductive to the company Musk is right now, he’s going to end up getting all or most of it.
Which is why almost any article about EV adoption is annoying as hell. You can read half a dozen over the course of a week and come away with widely disparate impressions.
Tesla’s valuation never made sense. At one point it was worth more than the top five global automakers combined. It’s not a tech company, they make cars. And now they’ve transitioned from the “valued on potential” to the “valued on earnings” stage. A LOT of market darlings lose value during that period.
Maybe the seller will throw in whatever chains put all those dents in the center console.
Sounds like a feature, not a bug
I don’t see this as anything more than a cruiser. Pop the T-tops and let the good times roll.
Some serious cigarette and cocaine bodies going on right there.
Yeah, I planes not have GPS? My car knows where I am.
This stunt is annoying and pointless, but the Stonehenge thing is completely and utterly counterproductive. Pisses off everyone and convinces no one. Pure idiocy.
He is awaited in Valhalla!
The profound stupidity to believe that the world will agree to stop using oil by 2030 is simply baffling. There is no case under which that is remotely feasible.
I’d say her physical presence is more important than that of a corporate CEO, who can easily visit with people globally over zoom.
Every time I see something about these people I think of the Talking Heads song Nothing but Flowers, where an environmental activist is bemoaning the loss of all the things ended by his desired outcome.
Plus I’m not sure how economical it would be anyway. It’s not just Swift - this is a full traveling circus and I bet they have a 737 carrying people between cities.
I don’t know, this and the Stonehenge thing come off like the actions of a group of not-very-bright zealots sitting around in their echo chamber agreeing with each other that somehow they are going to shock people into advocacy.
Pretty much anyone who is serious about reducing emissions understands that you have to start with demand, and that a carbon tax that makes use of anything hydrocarbon-based more expensive is the most direct route to changing behaviors. But no politician is going to champion that because it is, ultimately, a…
Something like 90% of recycled plastic ends up in landfill. We have curbside pickup so I sort and put it out there but at this point it feels pretty performative.
I expect it caught him off guard. Good job, Will.