How about he sing the last two syllables?
“...Fragette! Bye bye, we love you!”
How about he sing the last two syllables?
“...Fragette! Bye bye, we love you!”
1) Shit happens. Hit the eject button. Lot of fish in the sea.
Even assuming that those quotes are true and reflect how he felt throughout his later life (rather than themselves being a press strategy or self-delusion), those quotes certainly seem to show it was much more complicated than ‘doing it for the press’. It seems to have been a mixture of experimentation (nothing wrong…
I think the real lesson of this week is don’t have relationships.
I don’t feel like an advice columnist is ever going to endorse tactical revenge, for good reason. It’s pretty unlikely that you can sic an internet mob on your target and then limit how far they go. You also don’t really know if the guy is some bored creepy rando who will be cowed by unwanted phone calls or a…
Or if you’re the nonviolent type you could Google “free samples” and enter his info for every single result. If he happens to be a hoarder (and I’d put the chances at 50/50), every shipment of free Pregestimil and oganic tampons would bring him one step closer to the mold infection that kills him.
It seems odd to ask an advice columnist how to bother people. Just Google it, there’s probably a Reddit thread called “Trolling: The Theory and Practice of Harassment via Internet and Telephone, Volume III” that’s being considered as a PhD thesis.
I gotta say, if you’re writing a letter and it starts out, “my ex, who is a piece of shit. . .” just nope that whole situation. Throw your hands ups. Say, nah, I’m good. Hit the eject button.
I recall an anecdote from John Mellencamp. When he was a teenager the record label tried to market him as ‘Johnny Cougar’. His career was handed to a horrible little man who tried to take over his life and cast his career in a campy homoerotic light. When Mellencamp fought back his handler petulantly spat at him “I…
Rocketman was kind of a best-case. They had the music because they had the guy himself on board, and they could go warts-and-all because the guy himself was standing over their shoulder yelling “MORE WARTS”
I’m glad you don’t speak for all bisexuals, cause to me it seems like he admits that he experimented a lot and it just wasn’t for him. Maybe now we’d label him heteroflexible, someone who is willing to try stuff out with other guys but doesn’t actually feel the attraction a bi person would. I don’t think he was a…
Good thing one of the authors was a dude or we would have never even heard of this landmark work! /s
Former Texan here. The undercutting of wages is, IIRC, a big part of why Barbara Jordan was against illegal immigration.
I never got how people do this, would want to make a biopic of a musician without permission to use their songs. It’s like, dude:
I think The Kid was King’s way of distinguishing between his villains and true psychopaths. Even Flagg’s criminal followers like Trash and Lloyd were portrayed somewhat sympathetically. They’re shown to be broken people who are flawed from their raising and environment rather than truly evil. The Kid was immune to…
That scene from It is so fucking bonkers (and to my knowledge unique in the King oeuvre) that it’s almost impossible to discuss. It’s crazy that an editor sent an 1,100-page horror novel to print, it’s crazy that said novel sold millions of copies, and both of those things get even crazier when said novel contains a…
Yeah, I love MM, I think he’s an underappreciated actor whenever he shows up in something, but this seems to be for the best, to say the least.
And while it’s been a while since I last read it, isn’t he a bit too old for The Kid anyhow?
There’s one aspect of The Kid that I think is genuinely interesting, enough to justify the character’s existence for me: he’s the only character being beckoned by Flagg who isn’t impressed or intimidated by Flagg whatsoever. Every other character’s relationship with Flagg consists of admiration, terror, morbid…
I’ve been watching Kingdom over the last week, and Jonathan Tucker could absolutely kill it as the Kid if they would’ve cast him.