After watching that movie I was definitely impressed that Queen seemed comprised of the absolute nicest group of musicians I’ve ever seen.
After watching that movie I was definitely impressed that Queen seemed comprised of the absolute nicest group of musicians I’ve ever seen.
And not just rebellion; at that age you’re figuring yourself out as a person and professionally probably have no fucking idea what’s going on. The stories you read about some of the biggest acts’ managers make it clear they were making it up as they went along.
Not sure if he was trying to be contrarian or “well actually” us about Bowie, but it seems like an odd assertion given general common knowledge and his own statements.
I like to think he selected these to make everyone else feel better about their own relationships going into the holiday. Because damn.
I think it’s a legit observation to make that he feels they’re becoming more like good friends than romantic partners. The boyfriend will have a hard time denying that if he’s at all honest with himself.
Well they’re not going to show up unarmed, duh.
About 30% of people currently immigrating are Hispanic, so the region is still a major contributor. Even if you’re still in the process of applying for citizenship, being in the country legally means you’re part of the legal labor pool even if it’s relatively unskilled work (language being the main inhibitor of…
Ha, yeah I worked with a guy from Costa Rica and he said there’s a pretty well-established pecking order between Central and South American countries. Basically the more Spanish-influenced your population (versus native) the more highly they think of themselves.
I don’t know a whole lot about Miller, but isn’t he way too young for that role? I thought Trash was basically a middle-aged simpleton.
Fox has since shown a solid sense of humor about herself, and is genuinely funny in her roles. In Transformers she was considered eye candy in a terrible movie, before really having the opportunity to prove herself in other films.
Oh FFS it was a silly off-hand joke about compensating. Sheesh.
So is Feinstein joining the fire department? Becoming a fire jumper?
As a Texan I can confirm that the Latino population here has a very mixed view on immigration. Early generations are likely to be lower income, and unskilled, undocumented immigrants coming into the state drives down wages. So a legal immigrant, unless trying to find a way to get family members into the country, is…
Oh I know, but maybe he has a reputation to uphold? Someone should check with Kristin Bell on this.
“Sudden onset of death”
From what I’ve read this is a serious and growing problem, resulting in a lot of published studies that turn out to be anything from highly questionable to straight-up fear mongering.
And while I admire the instinct to gather as many data points as possible, pulling information from studies written 100 years ago seems beyond irrelevant to the current environment.
Maybe he thought the 6.57 was referring to something else and panicked?
Sounds like she’ll be out in time to grace her friends with customer license plates as Christmas gifts.
Your friends are boring.