BaneKitty Rises

I scored a 93 on my ASVAB. I took it to get out of a class I hadn’t done homework for that morning my junior year of highschool (1998 for context). I could have had any job in the AF but when I went to MEPS, I was so scared shitless of how they will research and find out bad information on us that I disclosed a shitty

Especially if the first two words in one response are “these people”. I read a bit more then instantly glossed over. Not because that person’s ideas were different from mine but the clear feeling of superiority was there. I’ve learned to either limit myself or realize discussions with folks that come out swinging are

Yeah, sorry. Siding with the US Constitution on this one. Do you really want to make it legal for a person to prosecute the state for something like literacy? You cannot force people to learn how to read, or care to read, or read a book in their life. But making it a constitutional right ensures litigation and

Yes, we are Syria now. SYRIA.

You are seriously underestimating many, many weapons owners.

Donald Trump won 36 states, correct? I would argue the overall opinion *across the country* (not those concentrated in coastal cities) is quite against Hillary Clinton. Although Trump’s win has hurt many friends of mine and that is not something I liked or wanted to see.

Thanks for the hot take!

She was probably holding it and thought it would be funny/cute to say. When the guy ignored it she got ‘offended drunk’ which can be one of the *worst* things to be.

I think no one is responsible for your emotional issues (general ‘your’) and expecting men to be these perfect specimens that should know everything and anything about any woman they date is a bit out of touch for human behavior.

So she’s so embarrassed by private journal entries she decides to publish them?

Can I please ask why it’s a human rights violation to subject people from higher risk countries to greater scrutiny for entry into the US?

This disassociation is what frightens me the most about how conversations are going now a days.

That sounds like a nice time! I am happy you and your fiance will be able to spend the time together :).

The greatest strength is admitting your weakness. I mean that in all sincerity. Not one person I know in the world that is brave and true is a ‘swinging dick’. Every. Single. One. Has and acknowledges fear and weakness. You don’t train to squash to fear, you train to learn to calm and keep yourself alive when all hell

Don’t add to your struggle by burdening yourself even more with personal disappointments about thinking you are ‘failing’. It does nothing for you and helps no one. You are helping more than you think :).

And you are informed! That is what makes trials difficult. Standing up for and believing in what is right is not easy-otherwise everyone would do it. It’s a small consolation prize but it is true.

Nah, the dining facility will try their best (like they do every holiday) to try and make people feel a bit of home. They try which is important to remember.

The wonderful thing about hope is that it can be lost, misused and abused and then can come back in droves. It is fluid, just like the state of affairs in the world. But scenes like that exist (just taken yesterday by a camp I follow in Kenya).

I’ll be in Kabul! I have a very loving mother though, even if I haven’t seen her in 2+ years. Just aim for copious amounts of booze, and drink for those of us that cannot drink.

I have been there, I know the feeling. But someone will be there for you. If not, message me. I will be here.