You seem well balanced and like someone I’d want on my team.
You seem well balanced and like someone I’d want on my team.
Why is this funny when if it went opposite you’d be calling it assault?
Silly Gaga, all you are at the whim of our phonetic preferences.
From what I understand, she was on the balcony for a few minutes before jumping. It’s not like he held her out there for hours.
As a drinker, not much surprises me in regards to aberrant behavior.
I don’t even know what the fuck this is. Does she say she needs a shag around 1:10?
That makes no sense.
No, it’s not. Would you talk shit to someone that owned a store that had breakins?
Because we live in an age when whispers and rumors will ring stronger on any platform than actual truth.
I mean, maybe she (acting as an agent on her own) should not have engaged in assaulting the host and in his dismay being forced out.
How long between putting her on the balcony and her jumping to her death transpired?
I’m glad to hear it :D. We will have to catch up via the twitter this weekend! At least there we can DM :)
Agreed. Which is why Tyra is still talking about it now and not so subtly trying to put Naomi down by implying she was just jealous of her.
I haven’t been on the twitter lately. School started up again and in between work, gym, studying and things I’m barely doing anything on social media. I have a quick mini-spa break in Dubai this weekend though so I’ll be around :D. How are you?
I don’t know anything really about their feud but it sounds like Naomi was at her prime with Tyra as the newcomer so there would naturally be competition.
I’ve found some guys good looking and my friends have been like ‘what???’ Sometimes someone just does something for you. No shame.
Starred because I miss ya, not for your opinions on this fellow ;).
I thought I was the only one!
This is literally the only place I am seeing this divorce discussed. Granted, Jez is the only website I visit for gossip. But even on my social media there have been maybe 4 posts w/ 3 of them talking about how we need to focus on the real issues.
I went to a chain steak house (first mistake) for lunch and decided to use the restroom (second mistake). I walked in on what I can only assume was a blowjob for hire going on in the next stall. I was kinda stuck there as I didn’t want to exit and run into them washing my hands as clearly, I was more embarrassed than…