BaneKitty Rises

I think you might want to say ‘idiot people hoping to prove how trendy they are are now trying to school people on eating avocados’.

I blame the ability to just cut into it and eat it with a spoon. It might be ‘trendy’ to like something but avocados are freaking delicious.

I don’t know that I’d knock on that person for not getting your very specific degree. When I see ‘IT’ I think of the standard IT... I’ve never even heard of ‘interactive telecommunications’ as a major let alone as a masters.

Oh come on, that’s funny.

I also demand a two-person vote to move someone from followed to greyed. Individual bloggers shouldn’t wield that kind of power.

In a section of tech, can confirm. I see my company post ads for our specialized field and I’m like ‘you want a minimum of 10 years and to pay them what?!?’ Granted, I will never complain about my paycheck. I make good money but these are not even considered mid-range positions.

Someone I consider a mentor was reviewing requirements to join his organization today and he was like ‘had they had this when *I* started, I never would have passed the first round!!’ The guy is brilliant and so high up in his field. I truly wish I could stick a USB into his head and download his brain... simply

I have nothing to really add to your comment, just wanted to say you are a good kid. Your mom is so lucky to have you help her.

Drinking and hooking up is always dangerous territory. What kills me about reading that transcript is that poor woman states over and over that she doesn’t really remember anything and that she was out of it and instead of him backing up and taking responsibility, owning up to his behavior he just throws out there

I had an ex that I haven’t spoken to in over 5 years friend me on FB. We have a ton of mutual friends and I’m still friends with his mom & step-dad so I accepted him. Then I went on a vacation with my now fiance and we were posting pics and our engagement and stuff. The next time my ex popped up on a mutual friend’s

Listing them and stating ‘but those don’t bother you, no it’s the bloat’ in so many words is inferring that. Or are you the only one that can do that? I mean, you might have to leave notes here so I know what is and isn’t acceptable.

Well, I’m weird in that I don’t really get hangovers. So thanks for accusing me of being more worried about being fat than the other deleterious effects of the previous night. It’s nice being told how I feel! The bloat changes me physically (even if only temporary) so yeah, that bothers me. If that offends you, I

Ehh... If I’ve gone for a long weekend and drank too much I refer to myself as having a ‘booze bloat’. My cheeks feel puffy, my stomach feels puffy, etc. It’s not an uncommon expression (or physical manifestation) when someone has drank too much.

Personally, I look at that photo of Kendall and think ‘eh, she’s a pretty woman’.

It’s so batshit insane though!! That’s what makes me think this guy isn’t too bright and had some crackpot idea rather than a malevolent mastermind manipulating her.

This strikes me more of a ‘not thinking about the actual consequences of calling the police’ rather than some inherently evil, abusive person.

It’s not that I see covering in and of itself as oppressive. I see the consequences for not abiding by it and requiring a male guardian to be oppressive.

The linked article states that her youngest kids are calling him ‘dad’.

I’d rather not even hear something like that. And to be unable to provide specifics (especially if you brought his behavior to his attention when you were together) is just plain lazy. It shows he put very little thought into actually trying to make amends for what he did and is just checking off a box like you said.

Co-worker gripe! I work with this guy and it is clear he doesn’t know his job very well and has zero initiative. While I’m not an expert, I have more experience and don’t like sitting around on my ass so I’ll find work that needs to be done and do it. There’s a bit of tension between us because of this.