If T Swift's legs are worth 40 million, Tina Turner's should be worth 100 million. If Tina's legs are worth just over 3 million, T Swift's are $500k.
Side note, in the books it's made clear that a lot of the masses are as blond haired and blue eyed as her. The Targerians were originally from the area she is now ruling. The TV show was shooting in an area of the world where most of the people are dark skinned, they cast local extras becaue it was cheaper and easier…
Another confirmation that I will never become an adult
I'm frightened it might not be...eek
Because nothing screams dignity like someone taking a picture of you without permission in order to portray your life situation as a dire absurdity in contrast with the product they're trying to advertise.
You do realize he's utterly terrified of life and using that as an excuse to be a horrible worthless person, right? That he's doing this shit so you'll feel bad enough to never leave him? This and all the other garbage is ground out by his hideous brain on the daily as his own coping method and has no more bearing on…
Are they totally normal looking? I always suspected those kids were actually hatched from a cache of mysterious golden eggs found on an ancient altar in the forest.
I like it too! I think the initial shots with it slicked back weren't super flattering, but the above photo looks pretty cool. I'm into it. Throw some red lipstick on her and it'd look pretty Gwen Stefani-ish.
This made me sad, sad enough that I put away my phone and pulled out my laptop so I could write a proper response to you.
I look forward to when you post about how amazing it feels to be free of this bullying tyrant. He probably wanted you to quit just so you would have to rely on him and be afraid to leave. It's right out of the controlling abuser handbook.
Okay, fuck this gaslighting lying abusive asshole. He's a shit who is terrified you'll leave him and is trying to break you down.
Being over 30 is not that bad. Your perception has probably been warped because you are living with someone attracted to teenagers. You should start planning a way to support yourself, whether by going to school or starting a new career. Surround yourself with people who care about you and make you happy. Start a new…
Tonight my husband said all sorts of horrible things to me including that I have changed and that he doesn't like how I am more conservative and we must be becoming different people. What made him so mad? I scowled at him when he said he would "fuck 13 year old Hermione". He is angry that I changed my view about…
I do not know your situation, but I had to cut my sister out of my life last year. We have not spoken or written since. It was really hard to do, and I sometimes question myself and my decisions (why can't i be more forgiving? She's my only sister, I know it makes out parents sad). But, all in all, I do not regret it…