
Mine is nails. Cut that shit. Extra points for filing.

Except that's not what she said at all? She didn't say anything about falling in love with something you didn't expect. Falling in love is falling in love. That's the goal. She said that she wasn't willing to give up the things that she considered important in a relationship (including no baldies) and just be with

"or the related but only slightly less odious assertion that men will pretend to be trans women just to get into women's restrooms."

I mean...Mr. Panther has awesome hair, but that's like number seven on the reasons I want to marry him. Numbers one through six are his annual income, duh.

That advice weirdly came from my Mom. She had a therapist who told her to make a list of all the things that she wanted from a partner. When she came back the next week the therapist looked it over and said that this was her list of things to work on in herself. I've also heard it expressed as "Be the person you want

This is something I'm slowly realizing. My life dream was to be married to a great guy with an amazing career and I'd just take care of him. That was it. All I wanted. And then at 30 and a failed 9 year relationship I realized that it wasn't going to happen. So I went to grad school and started doing the types of

Eh, if the collective internet decided to tell me what a bitch I was for having standards and how I was going to die alone, I'd gloat too. Not in an, "I won a man" way, more like, "fuck your opinions that turned out to be wrong." There is seriously nothing wrong with having qualities that you want your partner to and

They are all in love with the money generated by this publicity, nobody is boning anyone, but they are all counting their money and laughing manically.

I take it you found Jezebel after the heydey of BAngieB, legendary Lohan devotee, then? Those were interesting days for her pretty, pretty girl.

I live in Asia and was told by my grandmother to avoid Indians, because they're rapists (yes, she watches Fox News). I live about an 8-hour flight from India, so, yeah... I've had the geography and culturally-challenged tell me stupid shit, too :)

Jack was pretty hot too, I just lurve the bad boys... but only in fantasy, not real life. Sawyer did funny things to my lady bits, but real life I would prolly date Jack ;)

If non-marital sex is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Holy shit either you are making this up or I need to start watching the Bachelor.

"Her mouth isn't a virgin," scoffed Carly

Total language nerd questions here for the speaker's of the Queen's English - is/was colored an accepted term for referring to black people in the UK?

I'm more interested in the fact that his family owned slaves in the Caribbean.