Damn! Just when I was waiting for Vodafone to release the Desire HD.
Damn! Just when I was waiting for Vodafone to release the Desire HD.
@matt buchanan: So what would save RIM? Is it the OS that needs more work? Or do they need better designers? I loved my old blackberry and I would hate to see the company go down....
Too cool. Would love to see the making of the video.
How long can you play till the battery dies. Does the light ball have to remain ON?
Dear Giz,
Was disappointing when they did not announce Meego in Nokia world. But I love symbian..... maybe it is because I grew up using it.
I love making racist jokes about people of my own race, and I really don't care if the other guy does the same. I used to tease Indians and Africans how they don't have any super heroes.
@buckleyneko: lol! too funny
Is loving Google a lot more these days... it looks like Ill be switching from Yahoo sooner that I expected.
They will probably use Super Amoled in the next version of the tablet.... and hopefully by then it will be cheaper to produce such screens on a big scale.
I hope they use Miranda Kerr for the N9...
Dear HTC,
I feel you man... give this guy a break people.
@telepheedian: How long did it take to fill up all those balloons?
Reading this makes me wish there was a Google Sketchup application for the iPad. I have been playing with it for weeks now and have fallen in love with it.
I am really happy the Microwave is #1 ... I would have had to learn how to cook if it wasn't for Percy L. Spencer's invention.
Wow... feels like it was ages ago but it was on Windows 95 where I learnt how to first use a computer back home (Tanzania). I ended up playing installing Dangerous Dave and Mario instead of studying.
Is swype really that easy to use? I have never tried it before but it sounds like it.
Soo..... how does she pass through the airport metal detectors?