B. Carmon

“I wasn’t doing an investigation or anything,” Blackwell told police. “I was just trying to find out exactly what happened.”

This makes me irrationally angry.

The fact that we’re actually having (and apparently, are somehow losing) a debate about whether all children deserve healthcare is a sign how completely broken a society we are.

Wait, is somebody actually trying to solve a problem before it gets out of hand and the government has to get involved? Are they allowed to do that?

Hey now. What’s so bad with us? Can’t we take road trips too?

Very simple fact. Had Kevin Ward Jr. not exited his race car and walked down the racing surface, he would still be alive. Everything else in this case is irrelevant. If I pull my car over on the shoulder and get out, stepping in front of a semi, is it my fault or the semi driver’s fault?

“I shot Marvin in the face”

Alabama here — oddly enough, there aren’t many obnoxious bro-dozers here. I saw more in San Francisco a few months ago than I see living in AL on a daily basis. That will blow your mind. We’re mostly full of generic Nissan Altimas and Honda Odysseys.

I’ve had my 80 RX7 GS for 34 of its 37 year history. It definitely has that “soul” about it. Has 130K on the original chassis and engine.

I can see you read the entire article before posting so that your point wouldn’t be useless and irrelevant. Good work

I’ve been following Jalopnik since 06-07 and I don’t recall them saying anything positive about F1.

“Royal Towing, the towing company involved, has called and apologized to Montgomery, and offered to pay to have the transmission serviced, but wanted the videos taken offline.”


Been saying this from day one. People knew, lied, and covered shit up... to save a buck. And people died.

Some day.....

1. Delta Sky Miles (AmEx)

1. Delta Sky Miles (AmEx)

VW be like: They burn clean!

No, I’d rather journalists cut the shit.

You do know that ‘gate’ isn’t Latin for ‘scandal’ right? Cut the shit.

I’m sorry, but this is dope