Belinda Carlisle

Agreed. Sex isn’t a necessary part of marriage unlike sex work. Marriage is a purely financial arrangement of money in exchange for... nothing.

TL;DR version:

Marriage very much IS defined by money. It’s above all a contract: it’s dissolved/terminated exactly like a contract and it functions like a contract in every way.

I refuse to believe you really mean that.

Has it occurred to anyone the sheer volume and magnitude of Hillary’s political gaffes would end any other politician’s career?

Maybe this isn’t the site or comment section to post something like that, but I’ll do it anyway.

There are many videos of books stopping just about any bullet, even the 50 caliber bullet from the most powerful (significantly more powerful than the desert eagle bullet) handgun - S&W 500, which is basically a hand-cannon. The thing is, it has to be a really thick book, 2000 pages or so or a standard pack of office

What’s wrong with fetishes? There are always two sides to fetish porn involving dominance and submission, the dominant enjoys sexually dominating the submissive and the submissive enjoys being dominated. That can go to extremes. Human sexuality can be strange and complicated. The same is true for audience watching the

Pigs are one of the most intelligent animals. Not as intelligent as some primates and dolphins, maybe not as much as crows and parrots, but more intelligent than dogs for example. Intelligent animals have a greater potential for suffering, so harming a very intelligent animal is worse than harming a less intelligent

What exactly are you replying to?

Sounds like a plot of a crime novel. There is something weird about it.

Are you willing to accept responsibility if you’re wrong and some of the accused are innocent? Or is it just a case “two wrongs make a who gives a shit”? “Kill them all and let God sort them out?” Your attitude goes beyond just guilty until proven innocent, it’s basically guilty by definition.

How can you prove something DIDN’T HAPPEN, especially after a few years? Alibis become impossible to verify if you can remember anything about the date in question in the first place. Possible physical evidence? You can forget about it. Other than through some miraculous coincidence (a piece of evidence somehow

work is unique and seemingly irreplaceable. Doug Jones deserves far more recognition than he gets. Nobody can do what he can, except maybe Andy Serkis.  

Some of the responses are really disgusting, though not surprising. I don’t think it’s very “progressive” to prioritize your own personal emotional validation when it comes to justice. It seems like some people hate Nancy Kerrigan so much, they feel resentful she was the victim in this situation. They know they

Yes there would be literally no benefit for speaking up. It’s public relations 101 not to speak up in this situation, regardless of what some would have us believe.

Yes there would be literally no benefit for speaking up. It’s public relations 101 not to speak up in this situation, regardless of what some would have us believe.

Yes. And so can you. False claims aren’t just recanted claims. Don’t play dumb.

To believe 2% of rape claims are false means to believe only recanted accusations are false accusations. We know and I really mean KNOW these aren’t the only false accusations, since there are other ways of determining false accusations (at least as reliable as recanting). For example the accused could be on another

It would be a breath of fresh air to actually come across a politician who is NOT a neoliberal. It’s easy to see how it might trump any other reservations.