Belinda Carlisle

I agree that there need to be many stopgaps in place to prevent false accusations from becoming false convictions.

He literally stands there and smiles. The monster.

Proteins consist of amino acids and these are actually the nutrients people can use for muscle growth and maintenance, immune system, hormone balance, and practically every single other bodily function.

I call bullshit on this. Feminists wrote those laws and will sabotage any attempt to change them. It’s not by accident divorce and family law is what it is.

The problem with men expressing their emotions, is that it’s always used against them by everybody, women at least as often as men. It might not be good for mental heath, but neither is the alternative. It annoys me to hear it said so often by so many clueless people. As a man, as soon as you show weakness you lose

Not to mention that it’s a lot more likely for anything to move in that direction if both are tackled simultaneusly under the same umbrella.

I don’t understand why this bothers you so much. The only possible way to tackle circumcision is inder the same umbrella as FGM. It would increase the chances of seeing any real progress on both issues. But their egos are more important to some people than actually making any progress I guess.

1. The exact same reason is used to justify female genital mutilation. It wouldn’t really matter even if it was true, it doesn’t justify it neither from a moral nor a medical aspect.

You’re jumping the gun. Ashley Fires doesn’t do a lot of submissive roles (I’ve only seen her in dominant roles), so that already doesn’t make sense. That’s not even her market. To a lot of people her persona is the exact opposite of what you’re saying. It’s not that “fantasy” that’s being “killed”. The director (presu

“You’ve gotta stop with this pro-woman feminism stuff. Nobody wants that. It kills the fantasy.”

He literally weighs as much as a gorilla. 

They don’t. Ever.

Jian Gomeshi owes nobody anything. If anything he’s owed an apology for the slander and harassment campaigns against him. 

Humanizing people can’t be a criticism neither from an artistic nor from a moral perspective. We are supposed to do that as a default. 

That’s more like it. Men’s health isn’t something positive on it’s own, oh no. A man isn’t his own person, he’s only an extension of the women in his life. His worth is defined by his utility to women. Anything else would be misogyny. Or so I’m told.

Given biological studies about men are better funded and more widely published it seems fair to mock a bit for a site like this...

A prenup isn’t romantic, but marriage as such is? Come on.

Human rights and the most basic legal principles imaginable are an inconvenience when there is an ideology to promote. Anything other that absolute certainty every accusation results in expulsion, prison sentence, career loss etc. is treated as rape apology.

Apparently not.

Virtue signalling isn’t limited to “SJWs”. Conservatives’ talking points rarely consist of anything but virtue signalling. Trump is probably the best example.