Ben Cannon

Dear lord, that Risk messed with me for the rest of the day.

That's Bonequeef St. Gynecologist to you, sir!

I mean, I'm totally biased, but I think you should. As a person who is ostensibly pop culture obsessed, I honestly spend very little time indulging in celebrity gossip, and there's something so wonderfully small about the world that they're profiling. There is an excess of charm and I just find it thoroughly

Love that show. So much fun!

I can't believe that the reference librarian didn't want to file a police report.

I feel like Brian Thompson should be alerted to this important news item.

I honestly have no exposure to the people covered in the podcast and it doesn't stop me from quite obviously loving the show. Honestly it makes it all a little bit better.

Glad to hear it! Spread the word, it only gets better!

This would be great for the stunt casting of Jay Leno alone.

Write 'em here!

Literally one of my favorite podcasts, and this might just be the ep that breaks them into the section.

My god was it ever a horror story.

Has anyone caught today's episode of Hello From The Magic Tavern??

As promised, please find the list of shows that I listened to this week. Lots of great stuff that would have made the section on another week. Discover, listen, enjoy!

In case anyone is interested, I think I might start posting the full list of podcasts that I've listened to over the last week. There are so many good shows that it often makes picking difficult. But if you're in need of other titles to explore that aren't represented above, check below:

I'm so glad that they are bringing the art more regularly. It's one of the very best podcasts out there today.

I do appreciate the note. Though, if I'm honest, I sure hope I don't get fired. Maybe just a copy of Strunk & White?

I am quite deeply in love with the show and when I saw in my feed that they were covering Sukiyaki I nearly fainted. I had tears streaming down my face for most of the episode. So phenomenal.

Have you checked out Canadaland? It's a really well-done show out of our neighbor to the north, and I really recommend it. Very much a show about the events of the day rather than a larger narrative, but still worth the listen.

I was sadly too busy to write it up for the section this week, but absolutely that would have been my pick. Dick Van Dyke was simply amazing. If you're reading this and you don't already listen, Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast is excellent stuff.