
Typical Deadspin article not knowing anything they write about it. It s a clever and funny sign because that is what the Mayor of DC tweeted and was told to take down by her staff 30 minutes later.  That is why its a good sign.  But you of course as all Deadspin articles no research or time was put into it. 

Direct it to the school that breeds and protects rapist.  Oh wait its always been with them since they should not have any NCAA sports unless its a womens team right now as punishment and all the money they make off their sports should go to its victims and charities that support sexual assault victims.  Yeah that

Oh I’m so sorry for him and his family for doing what 99% of all other families do with college students... Why is this a thing? News flash I am 34 and I am stilling paying off my student loans too with no help from my family... you going to write and article on me?

To be fair, its a business and they need to show what brings in the viewers. It is a great accomplishment and she should be proud of it. That being said most people cannot stomach watching women’s basketball. Not saying they are not great athletes who devote a ton of time and effort, its just boring to watch in

How much Juice will it have?

Every member of the Dallas Cowboys D-Line has been arrested / suspended this year and the season hasnt even started yet!  How About the Cowboys!!!!

Smart got the foul he deserved but I cannot stand this.  I only watch the 4th quarter last night and I saw Embiid take 4 flops in one F@#$ing quarter.  He is going to start hurting other plays when he throws his huge ass body around like that.  I dont wish ill will on anyone in the league but Lebron but I hope he

Yes he is great at blocking the ball.. but i cannot stand his flopping.  He needs to start getting T-d up.  He does it 10 times a game and he is going to start hurting other players the way he throws his body around. 

This just in... All weathermen and women are now fired because the weather didnt do exactly what it said it would after they reported. This just in... Deadspin shut down for getting most of their stories mostly incorrect.

Why is all the focus on the family and her, what the hell is happening to USC for taking bribes like this?

Dont ever put Daughter and Mile high club in the same statement unless you are talking about her conception. So weird!

OK first off.. THE F@#$ are you talking about. Yes, the statues are stupid and need to go but that means all statues need to go. Washington, Lincoln (known racist) etc.. all were bad people so all must go. But are you kidding me? He is saying why waste your time with idiots who will never change, instead impact change

He is half right, Fire all the refs now.  They need to make them full time NFL employees and not part time lawyers out there having fun.  It’s obvious over the last several years that they do not have the chops to do their job.  This isn’d deadspin and sister sites where you can clearly have no idea what you are doing

The hell?  Flury tripped him, then Miller cross checks him to the face and that makes him the dick this time around?  naaaaa i dont think so. 

This is the first time since Lebron joined the NBA I am enjoying the league.  Lebron and Magic need to go and the Lakers would have been a play off team.  He is the most overrated player EVER IN ALL SPORTS.  If he had to play by the actual rules of the game basketball and not NBA he would be a bench player at best but

I get it that you hate them because they are competition and are on the same level as Deadspin.  A day late and a dollar short with crappy writing and just reposting bleacherreport stuff 12-24 hours later.  That being said, Millions of women follow them and love them.  My employees range from 23-51 and I decided to

Lebron caused the issues because he has never cared. He made the coach look bad, told the young talented players they suck and oh yeah doesn’t play defense and admitted to not playing his hardest. Yet that is the coaches fault? Nope thats the fault of the guy who ruined the NBA by not playing by the rules and

Emily, Why post this story and then bury the fact that there is no proof at the end. Add ClickBait expert to your resume, it is well earned. In response to the pile of whatever you want to call what this post is. All diets have a different impact on every person that’s why there is no magic bullet. Keto is a god send

Why is this a thing?  I thought it was something worth seeing when I clicked the title.. Clickbait BS

Crazy Shot buuuutttt... what about the Tripping Foul that was not called at 00:01 on the first shot he took that was blocked.  He was obviously sticking his leg out for contact and tripping the defender.  #notmyNBA #Therearenorules