
Looks like you claim you did research but actually didn’t. This is a sting across many states with hundreds of arrests made. The arrests convey misdemeanor solicitation like Kraft has from his two visits and trafficking for the two women who ran the whole group. Also, the cop uncovered a lead as he was getting a

It’s funny that Trump is the only one in the video that made any sense.. scary.

The Root is sadly becoming the Onion. Looking for ways to spread hate instead of sharing ways to come together.. This is the worst thing I have seen in a long time. Well “White people do it too” in response to a Jessie Smollett.  You should rather say how deplorable it is and how disrespectful it is to all of the

Reading the comments makes me sick across the board from when this story started to now, and basically any comments on the Root.  Two sides of hate just spreading their hate.  If its true he is a criminal and should be punished as such.  Not as a Black man or a Gay man but as a citizen of the United States.  When you

What about all the stupid stuff she mixes up and says wrong all the time.. like “time to change these seats from Blue to Red!” 

Central NY.. Western NY starts at Rochester just over an hour drive West of Cuse.

As much as I dislike Thomas’s thoughts here I can’t help but think so called “Journalists” brought this on themselves.  Journalists died in the early 90s and were replaced by anyone with an internet connection or twitter account.  No real research, thought or truth can be found in the sea of people looking for likes,

Granted he was resisting it didnt look like it was anything that justified being beaten like that.  Without seeing the start of the video we can only speculate that. But id like to take a moment to have you edit your post for officers beating teen to Officer beating teen since the video only shows punches being thrown

Not trying to be a dick but wasn’t it already shown that he most likely staged this and the police have already said he is not a victim? 

Well this is a pointless article since both are true. Its well known that he is one of the hardest punchers in the UFC and that Cain’s knee blew out. There, I just wrote your article in one sentence. You guys must get paid by the word not the article.

Yeah but I bet you can talk them down to a cool $320k, then its a steal. Do we know the torque? Because after buying this I am going to have to sell my house and buy a trailer to live in and will need something to tow it around.

Hey Stephen, Just adding a little more color the AAF tried to give him a chance to prove he can play. He demanded $20 million dollars again showing he has no idea of his worth. For scope the players in the AAF get $250k a year for three years non-guaranteed.  Again, I beg if you have any decency or self respect you

Ok, well this is a dick move and sucks. BUUUUUUTTTT why did Ortiz agree to the deal and payment.  Has everyone here that is complaining never tried to talk down the price of a product when you know the person selling to you works on commission?  You took money out of their pocket for work they did and you seemed ok

I have always been an IT guy and defend him to buddies, but this is pure gold. Soft, subtle and accurate the perfect burn.

so what. 

Imma let you finish but before I do... you should do a little research before putting out an article like this and it having that title. Hunt should NOT be allowed to play in the NFL again and should face jail time. Here you claim that Kapernick is “BANNED” from the NFL, that ummmmm... is a lie and irresponsible on

It was also a reaching foul ... sooooooo

So everyone is hating on a bad hit in the oldman football league... meanwhile in the NFL no one says boo about this shit. 

So I do not condone putting hands on a woman but she was trespassing, refusing to leave his property when asked several times, would not allow him to close the door to his home so she is dumb. All that being said he shouldn’t have touched her, he should have called the cops on her ass and had them removed her from his

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