
Said it a thousand times Lebron James is the worst thing to happen to the NBA ever.  He cheats so they change the rules to adapt to his game, players on his teams HATE him, he is self-centered and lets be honest if he was called for his offensive fouls and travels he wouldn’t still be playing in the league because no

Tom Brady and Gronk better get punished for their involvement in this fight. There clear video evidence of one Tom Brady and two Gronks fighting a group of fans. Strip them all of their rings and ban them from the NFL. 

My favorite part is all the people making a stink were at the game, partying with the ownership, making commercials for the game, partying in the locker rooms. Hey I get it, if you want to boycott it for injustices then I support you, but you can pick and choose the parts you want to. That is the problem with people,

Hate to be that dude but why is this not considered police brutality?  Nothing different than all the other posts of people resisting arrest and getting tossed around by the cops.  Well there is one little difference I guess. 

Laura you never fail. Well you always fail but you never fail to fail! Yes these kids were probably dumb little turds, but there this was a rally full of the worst people from both sides. This Native American man constantly puts him in the way to make the news as he has been caught making up stories in the past of

Everyone is hating on this, I think this is amazing Team Football! Gurley has proven himself 100 times over so everyone can stuff the “he isn’t good enough or worth the money” crap. He put his ego aside and cheered on his team from the bench like a true teammate. Since that won’t be good enough for Tom or most of you,

$25 when I looked 8:50 est. 1/18/19

$25 when I looked 8:50 est. 1/18/19

First off Maroon 5 should not be a thing let alone play halftime. Next, why is Kap still a thing too. He was a failed QB who was offered two contracts that he turned down and now wants to sue because he can’t get a job there anymore. If I went to the unemployment line and said.. “hey I need money, sure I have a few

I will continue to post on ever article about him.... Not a complete player.. doesn’t play defense so he is not an MVP, not a legend.  That being said I will give you Kudos for calling out he dosen’t play the game of basketball by the rules he plays what the league allows to get ratings.  Basketball died in the 90's 

I love this call. All of the protecting the QB which I am not griping about... rules are rules. So again a deadspin writer writing what they want and not the actual happenings.. “Barely getting a hand” watch it again but this time with your eyes open. His body was going down until his lineman grabs him and hold him

So does Shaun King have to pay the $1,000 for the capture?  Does Shaun King get punished for providing fake information leading to more division in the world? Does Shaun King finally get told to shut up and go away because he causes more trouble than any help at all..... just asking for a friend. 

ummmm that was 4 steps without a dribble. 

You mean his did his job... weeellllll half of his job. He still doesn’t play defense so he is no MVP. If I showed up and did half my job I would be fired, not carried around on peoples shoulders as the best around. Lebron killed the NBA, I have no idea what game this is but its not basketball anymore. Rules only

Imagine if he tried to play defense. Stop calling players the best players in the league if they don’t play both sides of the ball. LBJ and Harden are 1/2 the players of guys who actually run the court and play the game of Basketball. Remember when Basketball was Basketball, they need a new name for whatever this game

Stephen A is one of the worst out there. He changes his opinions, doesnt fact check, and thinks if I yell loudly, no one will think to doubt me. Dallas is the best, they are bums, fire the coach, this is the coach of the year. My favorite of all time for Stephen A though is his covered of Kapernick (no political

This article is stupid. Teams are like businesses and need a good culture to be successful. Yes skilled players are KEY, but if they do not buy into the system and players are not being Great at the Basics then the skill means nothing. See the New York Giants as a prime example. The last few years the locker room has

Cue in Jerry Jones... Hunt want to join the best 1-2 punch in the league? We will be great on the field too!

Short answer, its been long known for decades the Cowboys have the refs in pocket.  It has been proven but no one cares to do anything about it. 

Cool, could we all talk about Global Warming, Hunger, Genocide, and War for a minute... Or would someone like to state that they were first there too?  Who cares about celebrities and what they said or did unless they hurt someone.  Take all this energy you put into talking shit about rebel into your local community

I think every school has this guy. The little guy who never made it in sports but acts like he was and is a god.  I hope he gets all he has coming to him.