
Because after 20 games Rose will be out with an injury for the rest of the season.

It depends on the role. Sure you may have had 6+ jobs, but if I am hiring your as an engineer I do not need to know about your time at footlocker and subway while in college. It should only have previous jobs that have skill sets that are pertinent to the position you are applying for. If you feel that only one line

Do we know for sure its Simple Jack.. Maybe he is a scarecrow with teeth................................ remember when Jimmy Kimmel did black face on a ton of episodes and no one batted an eye. 

I love how people are shocked, he has been a bum since the start and everyone wants to say he is a great QB because he can throw it 70 yards... He is nearly illiterate according to the coaching staff, career criminal at this point and just bad at the position.  

Y’all remember they almost got divorced because he cheated on her so much right?  Then they decided to stay together to royally F up their kids and have an open relationship that they announced to the world a few years back.  Sooooooooo yeah

You sure it wasn’t just Hillary driving into another pillar. Maybe she was visiting BO and drove into his house and was functionally a vehicle full of gas ergo explosive.

Eli Apple was a cancer on the team last year and again this year. Wrong Eli is a joke and your “article” aka copy and pasting other people on twitter is way off. If that is what it takes to be a writer on deadspin my dog is qualified and she sat on my phone once and took a screenshot. 

Um.. seems pretty lame that you can question the man’s Blackness based on his skin tone being lighter than yours. By that means Obama who is mixed race isn’t black and same with Tiger... sooooooooooooooooo?

Good, this should be bigger news.

Dear Barry,

Again why is this news. Kap quit the Niners refusing his extension, turned down money and contracts from other teams to play for. His not getting a team was his choice and his choice alone. Tough arguing collusion when you had a few good games and a lot of bad ones, then turn down job offers. If he didn’t sit for the

Surprise another Tom Ley article that is waaaaaay wrong. Is Eli at the end of his career... Yes... is he the reason they are losing my god no!  He has no line, a wide receiver who is great because we say so but he also has more drops per attempts than any other receiver in the NFL, and that great TE you talk about...

I’m a Red Sox fan and as much as I love a crying Yankee (specially scumbag CC) and love RP going after him I must agre... sorry i threw up in my mouth typing it... lets try again, I agree with CC the strike zone last night was a joke.

Schools are drug free zones, better not let a pot addict donate drug money to help these kids get an education and clean water.  That would be a bad influence on them.. and I feel dumber just attempting to make that joke.  who cares if he is self righteous as long as these kids get the help they need. 

Why does it matter that its sports, celebrities, or politics. That is the only time the nation talks about sexual assault. All of these self righteous people only care about when famous people are abusers or abused, what about the millions of women and men who are raped and assaulted every day that your FB feed

This is only on the Black color, not the Red or Blue

This is only on the Black color, not the Red or Blue

so you are saying that you disagree with his views and want him to not be allowed in your state.  Very Trump thinking there

Is the racist bro white? He doesn’t look it to me.. and they are not taking sides as the woman said they are trying to separate and sort it out after. That being said, the “bro” here is obviously an idiot but again we don’t know the whole story maybe the latin fella’s were calling him something racist first which

I really hope you didn’t get paid for writing this, basically Cyber bully crap. 

This is disgusting. Those poor animals being forced to initially OD then sent into a high and trance state with no understanding of what is happening to why. Imagine there is a new drug and as you walked into work they put it in the coffee without telling you and all of a sudden your world is flipped upside down. How