
Hopefully this will lead to a massive improvement in the way that Chicago police interact with minorities.

Those rates are obscene. No lawyer is worth that much. I manage outside counsel so I see billing rates every day. The only rates even approaching those are for creme de la creme patent litigators. The only positive here is that Michigan is getting ripped off less than those idiots in Ferguson.

Maybe it’s a sovereign citizen thing and if you spell Yale backwards you get free money from the Fed and a law degree from Princeton

Fair point—my fault for posting while drunk!

I call people out on this every day, unless they are carrying a lot of things or have an apparent physical disability. Most look ashamed, and hopefully learn a valuable lesson. I tried to get HR to make these people wear a scarlet “L” for lazy, but our employment lawyer said we couldn’t that.

On the subject of education cuts, this asshole went to a very expensive private college, Washington and Lee, but fuck anyone who goes to UK, right Matt?

Do you live in an house? Of course not, you live in an apartment. Anyhoo, non-assholes use “a” rather than “an” before words starting with “h”.

I hate Florida too, but that’s in large part BECAUSE of my in-laws

Short answer: no

A lot more than you do, chances are. And naming three countries with train wreck economies is not a strong response to my post.

So...the demagoguing bothers you but the racism, xenophobia, and staggering ignorance of how government functions don’t faze you at all?

Eh, every country in the world is socialist to a degree and no one is heading toward communism. It’s as discredited as unbridled capitalism and libertarianism. All of those pretend that human nature doesn’t exist.

Unfortunately, it’s a lot more complicated than that. TARP saved the banking system and, if it hadn’t, our whole economy would have crashed with because no one would be able to access credit. And then the global economy would crash.

I live near there—we also had Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, and Usher (used to see him at Whole Foods!) who had a houseguest for a few months, a young Justin Bieber.

Which is far more than any other Republican candidate

Incorrect. It is legimate mocking of dim bulbs who are incapable of original thought or analysis but simply repeat the right wing talking points they are given by Fox/Hannity/Limbaugh/Scarborough et al.

How does Winking Owl compare to three-buck Chuck?

It would require serious effort to run up a big bill there

Hopefully by the Air Force—they’re the most Jesusy branch of the armed forces!

There is a conflict between your first sentence and your last sentence! The moneyed class Republicans hate him, but the actual Republican base—drooling, semi-sentient racists—absolutely love him.