
Heartless isn’t a strong enough word. At least 23 people are dead. Several neighbors lost their homes (I live in Oak Park). More than *250,000* evacuated. Firefighters have been heroic.

Wouldn’t it be that you can never *under*estimate standards? Because the standards are so low? Seems that if that’s the point (standards are so low they’re hard to reach), overestimating them would actually be pretty easy, no?

I hope that when the time comes for SNL to replace Alec Baldwin as their Trump impersonator, they’ll choose someone at once more accurate and most likely to get under his skin.

<quote>Masterson and Victim B met through the Church of Scientology, which believes that contacting police about a member is a high crime</quote>

Hey, no snark, good for these kids. That’s awesome. Something to be proud of for the rest of your lives.

Goddammit, Kara.

Seriously. All of the stars.

“Interfering with contracts” is no small thing in Texas law. A business found guilty of this can — no joke — get the business equivalent of the death penalty. No way Comcast lets this get to trial.

I suspect this is a calculated effort to distract media and the public from the massive cruelty that is the senate health care bill.

Nicaragua isn’t in the dark ages. They didn’t sign on to the Paris accord because they wanted a *stronger* agreement.

As “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” pretty clearly demonstrated, Republican voters are perfectly willing to get hit in the pocketbook by their own choices, time and time again, if they feel like the Republican they voted for is an ally in some largely-theoretical and ultimately futile culture war.

Heh. Guy gets called out on immaturity. Guy has hilariously immature reaction. Way to protest the column by supporting its point, Michael!

“Some people may want to see something different,” of course, places all blame/responsibility for the problem here squarely on those who are offended. Pretty good non-apology for your shitty ad!

Quite possibly, sure. It’s just interesting that the position is not described as an internship, and it is described as having some authority. So if it’s not internally considered an internship, could that still fly as a reason not to pay?

Serious question: How can that possibly be legal?

> Pai’s response: “Why do I hate America? Skinny jeans, kale, the Raiders, people who say acronyms like ‘bae’ and claim to be woke. I mean, what more evidence do you need?”

“The commission will review policies and practices that enhance or undermine the American people’s confidence in the integrity of federal elections”