What they’re actually used for is revenue enforcement of registration fees, and for hassling minorities. Unless the person who stole your car is just joyriding, they’re not going to get caught by a scanner.
What they’re actually used for is revenue enforcement of registration fees, and for hassling minorities. Unless the person who stole your car is just joyriding, they’re not going to get caught by a scanner.
These moms are great. Trump is doing this, among other reasons, to regain the suburban voters in swing states and even some in red states. He’s trying to frighten them with scary black and brown “looters” from the evil big cities. I’m not sure videos of his gestapo gassing Target moms, some of whom were visibly…
I think I have a list...
Honestly I feel like your post should be added to the article. I’ve lived abroad for 10 years or so and I agree that there’s worse things than “Time differences” or “laws are not the same”. Honestly these are the most important/unexpected problems they could come up with?
I’ve worked all over the world. For the last 20 years, I’ve traveled between 50-75% of the time. But this is only my second time to live permanently outside of the USA.
I think we can all agree 80s-90s toyota was where it was at. Im not saying their cars aren’t better, and im not saying im not totally down with a 300 hp electric/hybrid awd rav4. But they do “exciting” in all the most half assed ways.
Toyota just does not get it. On the one hand they know EXACTLY how to build for the masses. Camry, rav4, highlander, etc. On the other they just do NOT understand enthusiast cars.
Why IS carpeted floors in vehicles even a thing? I’d never even thought about this before.
Carpeted floor is optional
Yeah. I mean, besides:
This is right. Why?
You are a new dad. You won’t be cool for the next 10-15 years. Your life will revolve around the new baby then school/after school stuff. You will have drool stains on you/the car. You new cologne is eau de barf/formula. Cheerios and Goldfish will haunt the interior of whatever you buy. French fries and nuggets will…
So 2 cops killed a guy and it took 5 months to find them innocent even with video evidence of them abusing the victim.
“Now more than ever, we should be united in our goal to remove politics from sports.”
Imagine creating an organization that celebrates conspicuous consumption and unearned wealth and then having either the extreme self-awareness, or the extreme lack thereof, to call your organization One Percent.
Who else thinks Ghislaine Maxwell is going to end up dead?