Bah humbug.
I remember watching the Audi R10 TDI run around Road America and hearing the noise of the tires across the rumble strips for the first time. It still fucking ruled. Bring on the quiet races!
Bah humbug.
I remember watching the Audi R10 TDI run around Road America and hearing the noise of the tires across the rumble strips for the first time. It still fucking ruled. Bring on the quiet races!
They’re both titanium, so good luck!
I have a feeling that there might be a strong dividing line between people who like that sort of hot rod and people who don’t like them would be people who grew up when Home Improvement was on TV and how you feel about Tim Allen.
I have never seen this before, but now I’ll look for it everywhere.
100% would watch that.
Or go to a Good Guy’s car show where they have an autoX event. It’s cool seeing really nicely done up cars, it’s another to see them getting flogged
what the fuck, why not do them all, this is incredibly stupid
Good on them. Your children are individuals who develop their own thoughts, feeling, and ideas. It’s not your job to tell them how to live their lives, or what they should feel, think, or believe.
Off-topic but serious: I know there’s some confusion about this site’s mission: Should you do risky, wide-ranging journalism that touches on food (like pre-zombie Deadspin)? Should you stick to the safe space of ranking Taco Bell Menu Items from Smallest to Largest? But I wish you guys had done one of those…
Very nice. I want some now. And the comment about not finding much tri tip outside of California is true. I lived there for 2 years and it’s the only time I’ve ever seen or eaten tri tip steak.
Max, that's FANTASTIC work. Well done.
Starting with the fact that stressed out/unhappy cows don’t produce as much milk.
A vegan ought to know better than to start a beef.
It shoots fire. Automatic NP forever and always.
Literally anything <$2k = NP