So are the Instagram models....
So are the Instagram models....
The whole “minivans are uncool” thing is ridiculous on it’s face. You ceased being a cool person when you had kids, buying a tarted up wagon with plastic wheel arches isn’t going to fool anyone. Just get the damn minivan, it’s the best tool for the job.
Pros: It shares the same basic layout as the Pacifica: Fold-flat rear seats and a removable middle row
I love that this exists
Now, now just because their from Brooklyn doesn’t make them all tramps ;)
Grew up in Eastern PA lived adult life in MN. Casserole = Hot Dish. The word Casserole sounded to foreign and exotic to Minnesotan back in the days before more people moved here. See this old video:
Loved it! Of course some people will be upset because they shook what their mama gave them and how dare they do that when children were just previously watching grown men in tight pants run around a field and violently hit eachother.
I’d rather throw money away trying to save lives rather than take them.
When I was in scouts, they taught us to read maps.
Robin Hood: Men in Tights.
Because my locks are old and I’ve broken a key off in the lock before. But I don’t keep valuables inside.
If losing a rotary is inevitable, an Inline 6 is at least an acceptable consolation. I’m not a big rotary nerd, I just think they sound cool and I appreciate things that are different. But I also recognize it might just be a concept that will never pan out to the extent that piston engines have.
Also, would you all mind captioning this stuff so those of us whose ears are exhaust-battered can enjoy?
I love to try to envision all the nefarious ways data and surveillance can be used against us, but this one has me scratching my head.
I wish I believed that “since I’m not doing anything wrong, I don’t have anything to worry about.”
Agreed, just make it a button. Buttons and knobs are good, car designers need to remember this.
It depends on what vehicle that you have whether or not there will be additional physical buttons for the heated wheel/seats.