
I used work concert security for a venue and was mostly assigned to the acts themselves and stage security during the show. The one take away from that job was that the only good part of being rich and famous was being rich becuse the famous part seemed awful.

It’s not a marvel movie. It’s news, they are reporting on news relevant to this website.

Worst part of winter car camping (and winter camping in general) is dealing with the moisture buildup. It takes a lot of heat to keep things dry and shaking frost off of sleeping bags gets pretty old quick.

Counterpoint: the mods aren’t really questionable, and actually quite common. The reomval of the fuel injection makes sense as people mention the old first gen fuel injection systems sucked. The B20 originally was carburated before Volvo moved to fuel injection in the first place. And since these things were rallyed

We have to pitch in and help you. Not only because it's the right thing to do, but if these stories stopped coming for whatever reason, we'd be at a collective loss entertainment-wise. 

Wasn’t that Constantinople?

That advice is....(•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)...right on target. 

So, basically, instead of just putting a heating element under the wipers like Subaru they’ve made the most frequently replaced part on the car significantly more expensive?

Double-entry, emm effers!

Can’t be worse than what we’ve got now.

I mean you aren’t required to read Torch’s articles. And unless you’re really new, you know going in how weird it’s gonna be.

Ehh... none of those are hard to look at for me. Probably due to childhood exposure to this:

I got my Jalopnauthors mixed up and went into this article expecting some harebrained explanation about how how the spare tire represents some body part to a car and that driving around with it uncovered is shameful to the poor anthropomorphized auto.

This isn’t extra time Jason has. This is his job. He makes his living doing this.


You just want an electric Econoline

Also indistinguishable from one another: the van third from the top and the van second from the bottom

What’s the difference between these two pickups?

I hope Graham’s opponent is going to use that on the campaign trail. You know Aunt Pitty-Pat would (h/t Jerry-Netherland for gifting us with that memorable and oh-so-apt nickname.)