
College is getting easier year over year AND more expensive, so getting a college degree is increasingly becoming a display of wealth rather than educational merit.
If we made some colleges free and (just as important) raised their performance standards, college would become the meritocracy it always should have been.

Boeing execs:

Maybe it is okay for a lightweight electric bike to go 20mph on a bike path, then turn onto a 35mph street and continue at a faster pace. Maybe not, but I bet we’re going to find out.

And they’re slower than their lower slung car relatives. They get better mileage because they have less power. You can’t make a car with a bigger frontal area get better mileage without compromising somewhere. CUVs are a bad deal and people don’t know it because they don’t know how physics work.

Just like minivans?

laws not suggestions

The Chrysler LX platform is sticking around for a long time kinda like how you want, but generally speaking having a vehicle platform stick around forever like you want isn’t feasible anymore because of the need to keep up with crash, emissions & efficiency standards.

You had me till the speed limit thing. the current system of speed limits were created decades ago when cars & tires couldn’t brake or handle anywhere nearly as well as they do now. Speed limits need to be increased by 15-20% across th3 board. It would make for safer drivers because people might actually feel the need

speed limits are laws not suggestions.

I would like ABS, Traction Control and Stability Control to all be discrete things that I can turn on and off separately, please.  And collision avoidance nonsense.  

I was about to ask for your hand, foot, etc in marriage until you got to the speed thing. We are now frenemies. 

3.5mm Aux plug.

These comments make me think some people should learn how to drive.

Stash’s lemon ginger tea with pretty much anything is also very good and a winter staple for me. (I’ve tried pretty much every other mainstream tea brand I’ve been able to get my hands on, but Stash’s blend provides the most substantial ginger flavor.)

Ugh, I get so tired of the “safe for children” stuff. I get that it’s a selling point and all that, but safe driving habits will go further toward keeping you safe than driving around in a tank carelessly. Stay off your phone, keeps your eyes up and scanning your surroundings, and stay engaged while driving. That

Yea, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man. 

chief technical compliance officer Mark Chernoby“

I’m not criticizing Nissan in this - but I’ve always thought this “e-power” concept was a no-brainer and wondered why everyone didn’t do it.

I think they came up with half a good idea for Skyfall and have been trying to get it right? For three movies? Kinda strange. But I will watch it regardless for the actiony bits. 

Here with my popcorn for the train wreck of comments