
So what you are saying is: ‘Why buy new when slightly used will do?’

That is by far the most well thought out answer I could expect to come out of the internet combined with the least amount of sarcasm and general shitty attitude towards people in general. Thank you.

It used to be that I only get in accidents (either as driver or passenger) in white cars (sedans specifically) though that streak was broken recently. So I will go with crawling under an improperly supported vehicle.

I taught my wife how to drive a stick in a new ‘98 or ‘99 VW Jetta... on a test drive.

I would think that in a car in excess of 500 some odd HP you could get it moving in second with little to no problem unless you are starting up a 10% grade... while towing a few extra cars.

1500 miles and what, no more than an hour away from someone that can pronounce Aston Martin? I dare you to bring it West Ol’boy (that’s a thing people out East say still isn’t it?).

Honestly, I don’t care what others/everyone else uses. I would use the hell out of the optimized fuel use RPM range.

I think it looks like a predecessor to the A-wing... but that’s me.

Nail meet head:

You need to give Deadpool a try. Be sure the kids are nowhere near.

In that situation I would cheat and consult an actual Engineer that actually designs/builds/has built engines.

You are absolutely correct. I would use the information as a baseline to compare my real world results to. If I am ambitious, I would even try to diagnose any potential problems I may be experiencing. Did I over-tighten that wheel bearing I just installed? Did I screw up something with my breaks when I replaced the

The stig makes a good point. We would want to look at how long that gallon lasts.

True, but that is also assuming we keep the gearing the same.

Thank you for your reply! That is interesting that an engine mfg. co. would refuse to publish those numbers. Would we be safe to assume that when you speak of [lbs./(hp x hr)] the lbs. you are using is the vehicle weight or the weight of the fuel?

I think you are a bit off on your assumption. turning 2000 RPM would burn the same amount of gas in 2nd as it would in 5th, though in 5th you would get much better gas mileage since you would be traveling significantly faster.

If that were the case, we’d all be fucked.

To your first point: It would be an interesting experiment.

RPM is a result of the rate of fuel and air being introduced to the combustion chamber. The more RPM the higher the fuel burn.

I thought it was a fair comparison.