
Everything is bigger in TX, including stupidity. So dumb. That should be a felony.

Assuming of course Elon doesn’t do something to torpedo things.

From coworkers in the auto industry who had some familiarity with the German plants and our German counterparts, it sort of echoes what you said. They might not get it done the fastest, but it will be done right the first time. 

I’ve worked in Germany a ton over the past 12 years (pharmaceutical manufacturing development). Germany is interesting because they have an incredibly skilled labor pool. But they aren’t particularly fast in many cases. Once the kinks are ironed out however, I’d bet that this plant eventually be a crown jewel.

No comment on who is right or wrong here (JC/protestor). However...you are VERY right on that observation. 

Putting an animal rights protester in a headlock while you have multiple hotdogs in your mouth is very impressive 

JC confronts issues better than cops in schools (watch the video...well worth 30 seconds of your time). Sigh. That joke is sadder than it is funny.

Nothing suggestive about that.

Maybe a show about the Russians came to build an underground lab in Hawkins? That would be different. Could have a 70's vibe maybe and be similar to ST in that kind of character. Less dark probably. Maybe even have Yuri show up (he was funny in my opinion).

Yep. Plus, I was getting sick of more upside down in S2 and S3. But since it has always been Vecna, my view of those seasons is actually better because of S4. And who cares about episode length and spacing really? We all binged it. Might as well have been a single episode for all I care. For this show especially, that

Thank you. The whole nature of this show is 80's cheesiness. I could care less about no stakes in this particular show. It’s not Breaking Bad people. 

I keep seeing comments like this and I find it baffling. From the start the show has shown endless violent killings, of adults and children. The show opens with a innocent man getting shot in the head. It’s always been, what if a Spielberg 80's movie were more emotionally and physically violent? 

I agree. I think I’m over the whole idea that main characters have to die after both Lost and GoT (not to mention Buffy). It’s a fun show, it’s not supposed to be “dark,” let everyone live. I don’t care if it’s not realistic that they all somehow seem to live.

I also think this focus on takes of “if characters can’t die there are no stakes and this is a bad show” shows that Game of Thrones just whacked out some people’s meters on what entertainment “must” do. Stranger Things has never been a show where the core cast is ever in mortal danger—they didn’t even try to pretend

I think “redemption arc” for Brenner is a misread of what happens. El and Brenner have their fighting words, and she clearly rejects him and his counsel because it means abandoning her friends. His dying wish is that she just say she understands his point of view, and she refuses. He’s not a monster, but he’s deeply

I’m assuming Max’s arc isn’t over yet, but I really disagree about it being really ugly. I agree it’s not the happiest. I hope we’re going to get resolution to that. Eleven certainly seems ready to (and I suspect that it will be plot driven as well), but it’s no uglier than Will’s storylines have been, I would argue,

I still don't understand how people have this take with all the quality arcs and moments we've gotten so far. Especially in season 3. But, to each their own. I'm glad this is a popular product that people are mostly enjoying instead of just nitpicking it to death.

Max’s story was the highlight of the season. It was much more poignant than I expected it to be. Just because it isn’t happy doesn’t make it ugly.

“but even in the ’80s, would everyone just converge at that gun shop for a shopping spree at the same time?”

Never seen a show come back so strongly after almost wasting two whole seasons. And the landing was firmly stuck. I enjoyed the full 3.5 hours back to back and didn’t find much time was wasted at all...?