
In the era of digital clocks, stopped ones are right zero times a day...

Simple Google search

It’s not extra-legal, and it’s not just about the whims of the party in power. The emergency act needs parliamentary approval, which it has received.  The protesters had plenty of notice that this would happen and those that chose to remain can live with that choice.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. This could be a really bad precedent if enforced. Fuck them, but I don’t think this is the way to go. 

Not everyone understands what a “principle” is anymore, unfortunately.

I think if the party and cause affiliations were reversed, people would be screaming in protest.

Nothing like “emergency powers” being used to take people’s private property without recourse.

Follow Torch and Tracy out the door

So what you’re saying is that if the convoy was full electric, it would have been ok?

At this point I’m just counting the days till I delete the jalop bookmark all together

What the fuck is this? Written by someone who has no concept of reality outside of NYC? On a CAR centric website?

The flu and COVID were always going to become endemic. Pretending these types of respiratory diseases can just be wiped out is silly. You’d need absolute, worldwide buy-in, and even then you’re need incredibly draconian restrictions for such a long time that economies would shut down. Scummy people made it worse,

sO MuCh fOr tHe tOlErAnT LeFt

Police are arresting peaceful protestors, while the left applauds. Never thought I’d see the day

I’m all for the police arresting the protestors at this point, but this:

Rather ironic for Erin to write an article casting aspersions on someone else for excusing criminal behavior.

We’ve been married 14 years so we must be doing something right...

I don’t understand your comparison here.  Are you saying the people employed by the ship builder are slaved labour?  You’ll need to provide us more information about their wages and benefits and any legitimate complaints they have about working conditions.

I guarantee that Moonfall will be dumber than the Jackass movie.

I should’ve stopped reading the first time Erin offered excuses for criminal behavior. But I kept reading and found more of it.

This weird apologist take is just bad. These people are thieves, stealing things from OTHER people who legitimately bought something despite the poor economy. This isn’t a stick-it-to-bezos thing. This is impacting folks like you and me who work to pay their bills, then get their hard-earned shit stolen by someone who