
Burn this image into your brains for the next time some idiot writer or commenter tells you how much better cars were in the 80s-90s.

I never want to see anyone on Jalopnik criticize Nissan ever again. They’re obviously doing something right.

Ah yes the billionaire fanboys are just like the people who want everyone to have free healthcare paid for by other people.

The thrilla in Twittervilla.

Twitter could be worse.

I’m not remotely poor and I don’t have a million. :D

Bootlickers in the comments be like

The difference is you’re not paid to write clickbait. 

It must be a miracle that the refurbished iPhone 6plus I used for 6 years and is still running beside me on my desk as an internet radio is still working then, because according you it shouldn’t be. How lucky am I.

Agreed. I’ll file this headline away though for the next time a piece is published here sympathetic to protestors marching/blocking busy freeways in service of whatever cause is in vogue.

Well a lot of the commenters here think that escalation is clearly impossible....

No no no. The news told them to harass those two so the left can sink the economy and inflate us into poverty. Don’t bring logic into this! Also, your highly-starred comment is suspiciously at the bottom of the comments. Sounds about left.

Or outed a gay person, or releases hit pieces on celebrities on the day of their death....... 

I don’t disagree Portnoy is a piece of shit, but I find it odd this is coming from the site that is part of the former remains of Gawker.  Gawker (and Deadspin) have an axe to grind with Portnoy, and are no better.  Like, remember that time Barstool released Hulk Hogan’s sex tape!?  Oh, wait...

48 of 50 Democratic Senators have expressed their favor of the bill,”

Hitting people with your car is bad. Coal barons are also bad.

You haven’t heard of it because it’s basically unknown outside of China. Calling it the “most popular game in the world” is technically true, because it has the largest number of players. However, less than 20 percent of its audience is outside of China (source:, where it is known as Arena of Valor.


Nothing more humbling than finding out a game you’ve never heard of is the most popular game in the world (I mean that sincerely).

A fine substitute for high-speed chases.

These fucking idiots will do anything for TT views since, as an established TT’r, he can pull in many thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars by posting or live-streaming such a stupid stunt. TT should ban this asshat’s account and strip him of any ability to monetize his absolute stupidity to help prevent this