
Hah, they made a DNS change and they expect ISPs to go flush their DNS? HAHAHAH yeah, not happening. It’s one thing if you’re working for an enterprise and can flush DNS on your internal servers that point to the root servers. But to tell people to call up comcast, ATT, Verizon, Mediacom, etc and tell them “All you

Oh come on, plex isn’t THAT bad. I’m wrapping up a project to put all my home videos on a Plex server. VHS, VHS-C, MiniDV and then a ton of iphone recorded videos.

And of course I can’t imagine Gizmodo ever actually writing a positive headline about Amazon, so there you go without including an affiliate link.

I’m still trying to find that snipe we went hunting for in the boyscouts. Apparently it’s terrifying, and I’m supposed to catch it in a garbage bag. But it has fangs and claws and has been known to kill people.

It’s uncommon but species that have been declared extinct before have been known to show up again or show up in another location. Especially when you have language boundries as well. Go to cuba and ask for an Ivory Woodpecker and they may confirm they’ve never seen it. Ask for the pájaro carpintero de marfil and

It’s hard for me to dump any money on a white noise machine these days. My wife uses her iphone. I use my echo dot (when I sleep in the home office/guest/snoring exile place.)  They both have unlimited options. Heck the other night I probably spent 30 minutes just trying out all of the different sleep sounds one of

It’s hard for me to dump any money on a white noise machine these days. My wife uses her iphone. I use my echo dot (w

and I think the real lesson here is that pre-production vehicles with no other camouflage but placeholder taillights should bear obvious markings like WARNING: TAILLIGHT DESIGN NOT FINALIZED to prevent this manner of fiasco in the future.

Finally, they overturned the election and Trump is back in charge!

Just for your sake I’ll do it again in 2024. And then I’ll go home and make an omelet and enjoy it while vaguely remember some troll I was trolling on the internet...

THANK YOU  I was stuck thinking I was in the 80's, not the 90's

Yup if I ever found a mint 1984 200sx turbo hatchback in white with the sunroof and foglights, I’d gladly pay a little extra over market value for it.

Is this cut out piece of plastic the least engineered thing on the planet? Is that just a PRND2L sticker on it or did they to go the extreme step of making it it’s own piece of plastic. But still just stuck on...

By this logic we need to make sure there’s a white, black and asian category. And that only white, blacks and asians can win in their respective category.

When is it not about race? Only when there’s no possible way for them to make it about race. Otherwise, somebody is always oppressed.  Add that to “What can I do to drive clicks” which we both have fallen for...

The owners don’t have to make the delivery.  They just have to agree to let the car have a few hours a week to do it’s Amazon duty.  It just has to drive to a warehouse for a few pickups and then drive to each house and eject them onto the lawn.

Awesome, welcome to the US!

Now playing

It’s funny that this came up today because last something in a conversation in with my wife last night reminded me of watership down. She was like what was that.

Bless your heart.

I’m from Mobile, the traffic lights there often went into blink mode during off-hours.  Red/Red Red/Yellow depending on where appropriate.  I’m in TN now and I haven’t seen that at all.

Wow, PA even has a legal provision for going 6mph over, and 10mph over over 55. I’m in TN where from experience they’re pretty lenient. I was pulled over by a state trooper for going 92 in a 70 once on I65 in Birmingham. He basically told me he was only looking for anyone going 19 over, and the city guys were looking