
I hope they look like the old kings from XV, since the original knights inspired the kings’ looks. 

at this point i’m dreading what Cait Sith is going to look like.

Now playing

If it’s anything remotely as cool as this I’m all in.

I sympathize with George R.R. Martin. He’s a good idea man who can’t seem to write his way out of a paper bag, or perhaps a fine pressed velvet pouch embroidered with thread-of-gold and pearls from the coastal waters of Bravos, where...nevermind.

I can see the showrunners saying, “We doing zombies?” “Nah, we got dragons. Cut it.”

I think they wanted to ensure the sense of finality with the Red Wedding while also preserving the big “magical resurrection” in the series for Jon.

All this means is the novels will have some surprises waiting for us for the next two decades!

Basically this.

If only more books had been released in a timely manner that had made her presence inescapable for a television production. But whoever could have made such a thing happen?

So... evil Fantastic 4. Got it.

Now that the massed shooting glass ceiling has been broken, which segment of society can we blame now? 

It has been described as a pewpewpew die incident.

The gun was unharmed.


I think that’s because there’s fundamentally nothing more to selling the stuff than - selling the stuff.