
Aww... Ratchet Is Sooo... RATCHET... LOL

My Thoughts Exactly... Maaan... Square/Enix is becoming The New Bandai/Namco to Me... Kupo... S.M.F.H

This Is... F#%KIN' AWESOME... !!!

*raises hand* Oooh... I Do... I Do... !!!

Gawd Bless The Trolls... Ahmen...

I Second This Motion... STRONGLY...

Here... Here... L.B.V.S !!!

Yeah... Even-though I'm not a HUGE Fan of Atlus JRPGs... I really do respect the AWESOME job They've done localizing many of Their Games...

" A Bandai Namco representative has informed us that there are currently no plans to bring it West."

Would You believe Me if I told You that one of these is actually My Own Comment... ???

Now... The Important Question Is... When will this Update be available for iOS... ???

Damn... Yeezy straight s#%tted on 'em... L.M.F.A.O

So... Was this was definitely done with the original Kingdom Hearts (PS2) Engine... Or... Nah... ???

I remember (finally) getting a Game Boy about a year after it debuted,,, And,,, Staying-up for two days straight trying to beat My Cousins' High-Score,,, 318,,, Then barely besting it A MONTH LATER,,, I swear 319 never looked so sweet,,, Man,,, Those Were The Days,,, :-)

These clips just prove that Mario is a Jerk...

Mr. Amano is definetly one of My Favorite Artist Eveeeer.... So... It's certainly an honor to see this man at work...

Pssh... I Luv SQUARE/ENIX... But... Matsuda's Statement Is Bull-S#%t... As An American... I've been constantly screwed out of AAA JRPG's (I'm lookng at you Tales Studio) for decades... So... I'm glad that at least The House Final Fantasy Built has finally (pun intended) recognized Their Incompetence...

"I feel like I am in the minority, I loved FFX-2"