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This is the first time I’ve ever wanted to ask “Why was this article written?”. It seems a little sex shamey? Sure, if he wrote that about a stranger or someone he wasn’t already in a decade long relationship with it would come across as creepy. But he wrote it about his wife. He wrote it in the same tone/voice that

He needs to be infinitely funnier for us to care about him this much.  

Wow, I assumed he was only as dumb as he looked..

Never forget. 

stupid” singularly sums up Pete Davidson pretty well

Man do I look forward to the time when we’re no longer checking in with Pete Davidson every day to see what’s going on with Pete Davidson

Get the cast of NBC’s Wings tattooed on your face.

I probably would too but I’d bet the actual experience is far more pedestrian than you or I imagine.

Pete Davidson is like the meth-addled dumpster baby of Adam Sandler and Justin Bieber.

It took him that long to realize he was on the Bills? 

What does the IA stand for? Wasn’t it just LBGTQ a few weeks ago? We might very soon reach the point where we need a name, that is much easier to remember and say. Most people can’t even remember their own phone number. How do you expect to become LBGTQIA+ a thing!?

I feel extremely uncomfortable with public post mortems on intimate things like this.

“Now, we always try to take a balanced approach to both sides of the political divide here at The A.V. Club”

That was 4chan, not Reddit. Although same cesspool, different URL.

I mean to be fair I’d argue Three Billboards, barring the acting, is Oscar Bait in the same vein as Crash was for the 2006 Oscars.

“The Academy’s Taste may Be Improving..”

Don’t assume my gender, asshole.

You know what, i’m glad they had that discussion. I was on the fence about if this guy was in support of rape or thought woman should be treated as objects. Thank god the AVC cleared up that pressing issue. I can’t wait to read if Ryan Reynolds is in favor of sexual assault in the upcoming interviews for Deadpool!

Nice mid way bait attempt their AVC, don’t forget to let everyone know just how morally superior you are. You go girl.