
General Motors has a bit of a presence in the state.

I seem to remember Facebook having this thread style in the past, maybe a few years ago. It seems like a perfectly reasonable approach to long FB flame wars.

This whole thing amounts to a money grab by AT&T. They sold their new mobile share plans on the basis that you will get tethering and cellular FaceTime. Now that they have a bunch of people on those plans, including myself, they are rolling the feature out to people who wanted to keep their old plans. For me it made

"But we don't know." Well Sam, perhaps you should do some more research, gather some facts, do some actual journalism, instead of some high school newspaper level hit piece. This isn't an Apple thing, this is a globalization thing, but putting iPhone 5 in the title gets traffic. Apple has the capability to move

So you can do what with it exactly? Are you looking to make an OSX version of the original Microsoft surface?

The Nexus is a better product on screen res alone. It is very unApple like to talk about how big the screen is, and ignore that they are recycling old hardware. A compact iPad2 is an interesting device, but it isn't the game changer it was forecasted to be. Google/Asus, Amazon, and B&N are practically giving away

Myself and others pegged this weeks ago. It is an iPad2 in a newer and smaller case, in typical Apple fashion. I originally though $400, and just flat out replace the 2 in the lineup, but $330 was about as low as they were going to go on this. It has been repeated on here and other sites, Apple is a hardware company,

I am guessing they will announce some new hardware, and perhaps some new Playstation game tie ins for the platform.

I try to make a laptop last 4 years, it is easy to get a new phone every 2 years since the subsidies make it very affordable. I try to keep a TV until it breaks, I've had the same 37" Vizio for 6 years, and it is still chugging along.

I think the reason to wait is that Microsoft will probably get more aggressive on price eventually. Also, wait for developers to put out apps, and see if OEM's develop comparable products at a lower price. Microsoft wanted to protect their brand by establishing that they are going into the hardware business, and they

I have an Android tablet, and have played with various Android devices, yet I bought an iPhone 5, replacing a 4, which replaced a 3G, which replaced an original iPhone. Each device has been an improvement from the one before it, and I've only had to make one warranty replacement in 5 years, and it was handled very

I'd take that before some cheap looking glossy plastic, or faux carbon fiber plastic that a lot of phones have these days. It is definitely interesting, would be cool with the nexus logo as a pattern for it.

One person's bloatware is another person's $800 value! I love watching HSN electronics shows, and see them shamelessly deceive old people with crapware.

Kudos for posting a motorsports article that is correct in terms of history and technical specification. I guess this was not achievable by a staff writer, so a contributor had to be found. I'll call it close enough.

This is a tech site not a financial site, so the comments will obviously be skewed towards public perception of their products, however the tech savvy consumer is only a niche among general consumers. Samsung is eating their lunch in terms of exposure to the public, and becoming the marque Android device maker. The

My best guess it that will cost $400 and replace the iPad 2 in the lineup. The rumors say that it will have iPad 2 innards anyway, just stick it in a smaller, perhaps even colorful case, keep the same price, and there ya go. The "iPad Mini" will merely be a mid cycle refresh of old parts, and the marketing will be

You can't copyright color, but you can certainly trademark it. Try starting a delivery company with a brown logo, or a home improvement store with an orange logo. UPS and Home Depot will sue your ass off. In fact, if they made one in metallic magenta, and sold it on a carrier such as ATT or Verizon, T-Mobile would

Mossberg and Gruber make their money pushing Apple products. Dan Lyons makes money by slamming Apple. Both are one note, and hold no journalistic integrity. Gruber might be Lanny Davis, but Dan Lyons is the Pat Buchanan trying to rationalize why a blowjob is worthy of articles of impeachment. I liked Dan better when

The 2nd generation Nook tablet is the same as the first, it has better specs than the competing Amazon product, but lacks the services. The whole point of these consumerized tablets is to get you to consume all the first party content. It seems as though more people are already hooked into Prime, and thus why

Bingo. Tons of patrolmen carry iPhones as their cellphone of choice. Even without proprietary tracking, they can just have the victim login to "Find my iPhone" and the perp is done. It is much easier to fence an Android phone with a detachable battery. Lift the phone, pull the battery, get quick cash for it, and then