Barnaby Jones

Forget about the fact that we know Spider-Man will be brought back somehow. In the moment we saw a terrified teenage kid realize he’s about to be wiped from existence. And the last thing he does is apologize. I thought it was effective as hell even though I knew in the moment that it would be undone in the next one.

To each their own, but I love AP Bio, its hilarious and constantly cracks me up, genuinely feels like a mashup of Community and Always Sunny that works brilliantly for me.

I think you’re probably right.

My early guess: in the ones where they successfully removed the Gauntlet, someone else put it on and went mad with power.

The thing of it is that Starlord’s actions are in character. This is the guy who got into a pissing contest with Rocket over who was the better pilot that ended up crashing their ship. He has demonstrated a very distinct lack of emotional maturity in the previous movies. Starlord isn’t a villain, he’s a flawed

I know it’s sacrelige to say so, but I just don’t enjoy Bob’s Burgers. I have really tried. I LOVE Eugene Mirman beyond reason and enjoy Kristen Schaal in almost everything she does (though Last Man lost me a couple seasons ago). Archer, Home Movies, Dr Katz - love(d) them all. Maybe it’s the mom’s voice? I don’t

The first time I watched Hot Rod, I really didn’t like it. This would have made my list, with Chris Parnell really being the only part I enjoyed.



My daughter (10) was devastated. I think it was worse for her that her favorites (Cap and Rocket) didn’t die, but lost all their best friends (Groot, Sam, Bucky).

Can we talk about the unfinished FX in the final hero scene?

The internet, uh, finds a way.

100% this.

all i see is a bird

McGregor made a 40 year old man, who is historically risk adverse to the point of having “boring” fights look like Mike fucking Tyson in the late 80s. Mayweather hadn’t finished a fighter (before McGregor) in a decade (skipping Ortiz who dropped his defense and basically wasn’t fighting when he was clocked). He walked

McGregor lasted six rounds with the greatest boxer in the world. Not like he embarassed himself up there.

Counterpoint....if he did not do it, she might never have been born. Sad circumstances but in the end, she exists and is alive.

That The State could be described as “overlooked” is baffling to me. It was a seminal part of my high school years. And if you look at the cast, they each went on to be pretty influential writers and performers in the indie comedy world.

Bogus Journey is better than Excellent Adventure. Fight Me!

Another good one is Nailed It on Netflix. My 5 year old laughed really hard and I was also able to focus on their good attitude when they make mistakes or don’t know what’s going on.

Oh man, I'm fired up for this one. What we do in the shadows was pretty damn epic. Kiwi road trip buddy comedy? With Murray? Oh, the silliness!