
I’m not quite sure what the gaps are. The dr asked if I was given an amountof pitocin (I don’t remember) I do remember the nurse saying, no, I only gave half. Then they thought about it for a bit and decided to proceed with the c section. I bled a ton during surgery, everyone commented on it. Things seemed ok in

I was given a lower pitocin dose by the nurse than the doctor requested. They thought for a moment, decided eh, it was fine, I didn’t protest, because how would I know? Two hours later I almost bled to death. It was one of the worst days of my life. My doctor didn’t want to delay the c section for more pitocin.

Hmmmm, that’s interesting. The vet was pretty assured it was jealousy related behaviors. Mainly because many of the bad behaviors were happening when I had the baby. We did get advice from the shelter on training and eliminating problem behavior, the recommendations actually made the situation worse. It went from

It was a point of contention among the house. One person was convinced the cats should go. The other thought it could work given enough time.

I’m sorry you also had a poop situation. We gave her our basement, because that’s where she preferred and just didn’t allow the kids down there anymore, so they wouldn’t find it before we did.

We kept the nicer cat and rehomed the one that was problematic. I think it was an issue of the cat not liking kids and wanting to be the star. I played with troubled kitty for 3+ hours a day, an hour before the kids woke with the baby in my lap, during nap time, and after the kids went to bed, trying to make it

She is spayed. I seriously considered calling him, but figured the situation wasn’t quite bad enough for that. One episode had a lady that bought a new house so the cats could live on different floors and she split her time between the two. Yikes.

...but we were smart enough to pass on taking in dogs on two different occasions! Honestly, I’ve had kittens and cats before. Seemed like we could make it work. My kids love animals and haven’t had issues with any until the young boy kitty. We are making it work with one of the two we brought in.

It is me! Thanks for the apology!

We took the poopy cat to the dr many many times, tried many medicines. She had cancer. We couldn’t help her not poop everywhere. I realize that wasn’t clear from my letter. We tried to help her, but couldn’t, so we cleaned up her explosive diarrhea poo until she was sick enough to be put down.

I honestly didn’t care if my wedding was basic. It’s one day of my life. Yes, a special day, but still just one day of my whole life.

I agree. Anything that requires standing in line with toddlers waiting should be avoided.

Guys, yesterday I wa spelling out of a parking spot and a bird flew at my face all freaked out because it was inside of a car. Somehow, I didn’t wreck, rolled down the window and got the bird out.

His face makes me want to throw up.

I don’t particularly care what you think.

I had a severely developmentally delayed daughter who died. I really don’t care that she threw out the retarded word. I did it as well. Never about my daughter, but about other trivial things. With everything she went through,and I through helping her, I earned that word.

This announcement made me realize that somehow there is so much more wrong with this world than I realized.

Once someone acted like I was a stupid idiot because I didn’t believe that something Louis ck was the absolute truth. I feel vindicated.

My basement is open concept. It sucks. Every time I go down there I dream of putting up walls. My first and second floors have walls, the basement should have walls too.

I will take him making bad drawings if it means less time spent starting a war with North Korea