
TBH its still better than the time DR Pepper did that whole “Not for women” campaign. Solidifying it as the drink of choice for adult men who call their den a "man cave"

Out the door? We haven’t even gotten out of bed and gotten dressed yet. The farthest man-made object is just outside of our solar system (relatively speaking). We’ve been looking for aliens in earnest for like 60 years with very primitive tech.

And after a year, you’re the guy who fought an ostrich for a year.
A horrific, terrifying year.

“we’ve sent out spacecraft deep into the reaches of our galaxy”

It may be that, but I think its mostly this. We’ve barely left our neighborhood; it’s too early for sweeping assumptions.

The only people who should be judged are steak well-done people. They are the worse. While I don’t quite get the appeal of rare, it’s less offensive than well done. People who order steak well done should simply be given an old shoe to eat and save the beef for people who appreciate it.

That’s because no one who uses Excel has an important job.
I use excel every day. Also...notice what I’m doing right now.

Things that hit me like a truck in terms of emotions:

During my job interview, my boss asked me if I had experience using Excel. I told him that I excelled in it and got a little chuckle out of him. I have no clue what the fuck I’m doing on Excel, but no one has noticed for 8 years.

Saw this on FB yesterday.

Excuse me. But beauty pageant contestants are famous for reacting to external judgments of their worth the way normal people do.

Or you can cut out the middle man, move past that charade and just ask the soon-to-be-wife yourself.

But does she really need 9 rings?

And most importantly, you get to be self righteous in comment threads about engagement rings. And who can put a price on that?

I wish I lived where you do.

You’re going to (hopefully) spend the rest of your life with this person. Have a conversation with them like a goddamn adult and get her exactly what she wants with an agreed upon budget.

I'd like to be the devil's advocate, but these Satanists know what they're doing.