That's how burlesque works...
That's how burlesque works...
Same here. I'm not skinny, despite being very active and athletic. I'm mostly recovered from my eating disorder, but sometimes it comes back to bite me in the ass. Glad I watched this video tonight! It made me smile and cry, in a good way. Also, for as coordinated and physically capable as I am, my dancing is…
Oh, are we starting a Dongs-For-The-Eyeballs-Of-WalMart-Execs drive? Alas, I have no dongs, but I have a FUCK TON OF VERY SHARP FORKS I'd be happy to put in the mail right now.
Co-signed. There are worse men out there. I would fuck this man until my hip ligaments eroded.
Bras are the best feminists because they support so many women.
Jessica Williams has made the leap into being a really, really strong member of the crew, hasn't she? She has this perfect mix of "WTF?" and a really wicked gleam to her eye that works for the show.
Right, she was probably wearing a short skirt too. She was practically asking for it. She is clearly at fault here.
When I read articles detailing with excruciating detail about the systematic harassment and abuse of a woman, I like to pick up on details about what she was reading as if it makes one iota of difference…
Next time someone insists that Rape Culture isn't real, that men in this society do not feel that they are owed women's sexuality, that our culture does not pressure women into silence or compliance, that sexual harassment and assault are the lone actions of individuals and not the product of communities that tolerate…
One of the hardest things for me is to remember that conflict or disagreements do not necessarily mean disaster. My childhood was very volatile and my parents' disagreements quickly escalated to screaming, slamming doors, threats, and driving off and not returning for hours. Because of this it's hard for me to click…
I think it's a really obvious parody and its meaning is clear. Macklemore may be a privileged white straight male, but he readily acknowledges it and tries to speak out for the opressed as much as he can. Yes, opressed people need to speak up for themselves as well, but Lord, there is nothing wrong with the…
I just do NOT get the Macklemore hatred. Yes, he is a straight, white man who tries to use his influence to bring about social change. We get it - he is privileged! But, I'm pretty sure there are hundreds of other influential musicians, actors, etc. out there with very similar backgrounds as Macklemore's who are…
It's a story told by someone who happens to have access to the avenues of publishing. Yes, it's unfair that she has that gate open to her,
A WoC here.
I have been the 'other woman' and I have to say that despite my personal morality and distaste for cheaters, I was completely in love with this guy. He had been my best friend for years, he went out of his way to keep his relationship with her out of our social circle, he consistently made out like his relationship…
A few thoughts:
I completely get what you're saying. I think the backdrop of Mongolia and her personal history is actually pretty relevant in this case. She's an well-educated, wordly woman; and, yet, in that moment of despair and agony, her own irrational prejudices came out. I appreciated hearing her story. Her access to the…
One of the multitude of reasons to take your birth control pills religiously.
You don't need actual violence for there to be a threat of violence (or stalking or whatever). I will repeat: "I don't see how identifying, over the phone, the addresses of protesters' kids' day care centers can be interpreted as anything but impliedly threatening. If there is another interpretation, I'd like to hear…