
I have worked for a dozen companies over a 40 year span, and have not once had anything stolen. Chairs would get borrowed when you were not at work, but you just retrieved your chair from wherever it had wandered when you got back. I see these kind of posts and wonder about the company culture involved.

From what I have read about magic, Kindergatners can be harder to fool than adults because they don’t have the preconcieved ‘You can’t do that’ mentality that most adult have yet.

A good friend of mine, Jewish and now deceaced went to lunch with me one day, and after studying the menu declared that if Christians could turn water into wine then a good Jew could turn bacon kosher, and proceeded to order a BLT.

My GF’s brother parked his car when he went to college - in 1964. It is a 1936 Ford 5 window coupe that his father bought new in 1936. They still have the original bill of sale - I think it was something like $800. It has something wrong with the planetary gear and he just never got around to fixing it. Everything on

That emphasis is yours, not mine. I doubt that even at that time other IBM interviewers took that approach. At the time I was shocked at the way he conducted an interview. But within a few days it was funny. Today, I realize he was likely one of many people during that era who had a knee jerk reaction to anyone who

I was in a data center in the early 70s and watched an IBM engineer go under the raised floor wearing his suit, including the jacket more than once. It was filthy under there. The data center manager offered to loan him a coverall, but he said it wasn’t allowed. I hope IBM covered his cleaning bill. The dark suit,

IBM 67% favorable? They must have improved quite a bit since my interview in 1971. To be fair, I was interviewing for a position to repair the old selectric typewrites and not their computers. But I hoped to eventually move into computers. I was just 2 weeks out of the Marine corps. When I walked into the interview

The corelary is the people who show up at meetings that really don’t need to be there. And then take up a part of the meeting to babble about stuff they have no real knowlege of just to show everyone how smart they think they are and to make suggestions on stuff that doesn’t concern them at all.

Older tinkerer, Ex Marine and geek here. If I were going to make a bomb, why would I make it look like a Hollywood bomb?

Aw poor baby a whole 14 days. Why he may forget how to play at all in that time. Or may grow up some. Meanwhile, toxic behavior in this case means he was being an ass by not playing with his team, but playing them for his own benefit ( his videos) People like this are one of the reasons I don’t play anything except

The rails are a decent height. You have to actually work to fall over one like that. This is just the third falling death in all major league baseball stadiums in the last 5 years so it’s not like this is some kind of common occurance. But two were in this particular stadium. I would imagine there are more heart

That graphic is nearly impossible to interpret. And from what I see not very relavant to many people. Luckily, I live in a rural area just across the state line from a metro area. Unluckily, far too many of the people working in the city have discovered how much less expensive it can be living just 20 minutes away in

Make a list of stuff you actually need, but don’t try to only buy the stuff on the list as there will always be something you forget or something that you may want to try. I keep a notepad in the kitchen and write down stuff I need during the week. There are certain things that I get every week. Such as bread and

I saw this exact attitude at a Catawba PowWow a few years ago. Parts of the PowWow are open to the public - such as the dancing. I overheard a character wearing a purple beret say to his companion - wearing way too much make up. Those aren’t real Indian costumes. I couldn’t resist letting him know of course they were

And most will not whether you use the discounter or the actual hotel booking service. But when problems do happen, As I said you are not the hotel’s customer, the discounter is. If there is a problem with billing, you will have to go to the discounter, because the hotel cannot help you. Not because they don’t want to,

How about just going to bed at a reasonable time and you will be able to get up at a reasonable time without waking the dead. I haven’t used an alarm for over 20 years and have not been late yet. I know I can wake up at whatever time I choose by seting the time I want to be up in my mind before I go to bed. One of the

I have never understood the intense desire to see the leaked videos, What is the diference between that and having some idiot tell you the plot of a movie you were planning to see? Wait for it, let the game be a suprise when you play it the first time. It will be a lot more fun. I have been doing my best to not listen

Be very careful when booking on line. The discounters will try to make you think you are booking directly with the hotel when you are not. I once needed a room unexpectedy. And as I was driving, had to use my cel phone I used Google to search for the exact hotel I wanted. Then dialed the number it gave. The person I

This stupid use of DCMA is not going to stop until there is some monitary penalty for false take downs. I suggest starting at $10,000 for each bogus take down to be split between the author of the video taken down and me for the suggestion. And because the bogus take downs are automatic, the fine should also be

Personally I have found Metacritic nearly useless in their ratings - not everyone likes the same things in a game, and not every gamer is a zombie that follows the herd. But that is exactly how Metacritic treats consumers. I see far too many ways this can be gamed by the publishers - including a few well placed bribes