
I still use an old motorola flip phone as my primary telephone - Why? because I use it for a telephone. Not a pocket internet access small computer. It actually has more features than what I need - it has a camera, I think I used it once just to see how it worked. I have a smartphone. And rarely use it. I have

My GF is guilty of this. She was an accountant when she could work. And she believes that business accounting is the absolute be all end all of budgeting. Every penny must be budgeted or you will lose it. Because she is trying to force everything to fit into an inflexable budget she is always coming up short. And

The Air Force prety much dictates what the manufacturers can do. And the AF has no interest in an aircraft that is more useful to the Army, Navy or Coast Guard than to the AF. They have repeatedly show they will fight any approriation that looks like it will give the Army a decent ground support aircraft, or the Navy

And now you wonder why Dreamcast died off. Yep, piracy just doesn’t have any effect on the game makers - except when it does.

Nope doesn’t fly. If a game is worth pirating it is worth something to you and you are just lying to yourself by saying you steal because it isn’t worth the price - Admit it you are stealing. And stealing is theft no matter how you try to pretty it up with excuses.

The Air Force has no interest in supporting ground troops. Their entire operational theme is fly high and fast and spend as much of the taxpayers money as they can so the generals can retire rich from the bribes. The Army needs a close air support aircraft, and the AF has blocked every single viable replacement for

Please stop telling people not to preorder games. We need the fools brave people who do to beta test the games for those of us don’t preorder and have the patience to wait for them to find and fix most of the worst bugs and wait for the first big price drop. Meanwhile I get to use my money for something else I want or

Ditomatious earth, the food grade kind - I get it at a farm supply place, around $20 for a 20 pound bag. That should last you about 10 years in a typical 3 BR family home. It doesn’t go bad as it is just a special kind of dirt. It is non poisonous, farmers feed the stuff to livestock and some people eat it themselves,

Pillage first, then burn.

Then you get those that act like they took the hint. “Oh, I have to leave in a minute.” then 2 freaking hours later are still there. You have beens standing waiting to escort them to the door a dozen times and they “will be just another minute.” that turns into another hour.

The statement “People often assume you have the flexibility to do whatever you want whenever you want.”

I worked a power outage at a convenience store. The store across the street just shut down because of that. I was the only place on that side of town open that night. We sold out of Ice, beer, water, milk and a few other items. The outage was just 5 hours.

Then you have never suffered from an area wide power failure where all of the POS machines were down and the only way to buy anything was at one of the few places that could take cash. It may be hard to find a place because most store clerks don’t know how to make change without their electronic cash register though.

Unfortunately, many help desks REQUIRE those stupid questions, They are part of a troubleshooting script or flowchart. He is required to ask those questions even if you just answered them without being asked. If the guy doesn’t ask them, he will be called on the carpet for it NOT YOU! Just answer the questions when

The Air Force is throwing away the A-10 because it is a ground support aircraft, and the AF has no interest in supporting ground troops. The A-10 flies low and slow, and can hang around for quite a while to help out the guys on the ground. The supposed replacement is too fast for effective ground support, is too fast

It’s not just the bank that charges you. Usually the place you paid that bounced charges you a fee also - so ONE small miscalculation, even a few cents can cost you a $35 charge from the bank, PLUS another charge of as much as $35 from the store - so that one stupid error of less than a dollar just cost you $70. And

Most of my tech management interviews where I was hired have been in the 4 hour range, And included meetings with several people and at least a lunch meeting if not a full dinner meeting. Then typically at least a second and often a third interview over 2 days. In several companies the last people I talked to were the

This was in 1971. I had just gotten out of the Marine Corps where I had been a sergeant in charge of a 21 man electronics technical section. My hair was still short. The interview was with IBM for a job repairing typewriters. I walked into the room, and the interviewer said, “Stop right there! I’m not going to hire

Once upon a time frequent flier miles were actually a decent reward for the airlines most dependable customers, those people who actually flew a lot. Today, most frequent flier miles are handed out to people using an airline branded credit card who may only fly once a year while the actual frequent fliers are

As the former owner of a security company. Burglars rarely pick locks. In my entire time working with security I did not see one instance of a home or business that was burgled by picking a lock. Doors were kicked in, windows broken, and in one case a concrete block wall was broken through. But not one had their lock