
Great work. Fantastic cosplay by Nameko. And thanks to Brian for bringing this to us.

I installed my cat door in a small window in my laundry room. Very easy to do, just cut a piece of plywood to fit with the window up, then cut the hole for the cat door in that. I put a cat sized deck on the outside with an 8 foot board as a ramp. Painted the entire thing so it looks decent. Cat loves it and will

Yup. and the DM must always be prepared for the players to do something they never planned on and never saw coming. Then make any needed changes in his now useless previously prepared scenario on the fly for the rest of the session to keep the story going. My own experience is the DM must be flexible and be able to

I see nearly every one of these on a regular basis on the nightly news from the mass media. It has become a sport in my household to identify the logical fallacies on the news. Currently, the one we catch the most is the 'Small number statistics' fallacy. They often try to imply correlation in what they want you to

Dave Ramsey - simple and it really does work. For those that don't like some part of his advice - he actually covers that in the book. He states explicitly that the book is a GUIDE, not an absolute set of rules that must be followed blindly. He even explains why he recommends paying off the lowest balance first

Unfortunately, the real professional burglars have been on to this for years. They typically just toss any and all potted plants on the floor breaking the pot to see if there is anything hidden there. (They will even break the urn with your grandfathers ashes) Fortunately, most burglars are not real pros, but really

My own experience with taking 3 kids out of separate schools for a week long vacation was it took about 20 minutes a day for them to all complete the assignments their teachers sent. All were up to date and on par with the rest of their classes when they got back. The teachers were impressed, and the kids learned

Absolutely not! The purpose of school should not be forcing the kids into going to school on a regular and clockwork manner (which fed money has fostered) but in getting an education. A vacation is ( contrary to what some people seem to think) a valuable learning experience. A vacation to another place; another city,

That's not how it works - they are verbally supportive - then sabotage by inviting you for a big family meal ( the kind you can't turn down). And asking why you don't eat seconds "like you always do" It's usually not intentional, they just cannot grasp that you are actually trying to do something and not being just

Everyone says they want to encourage you - see who constantly interrupts your exercise, who insists you go out for lunch or fixes a fatting meal and who stops by with a case of beer and 3 bags of chips to watch a football game. Those are the ones who are sabotaging your effort. My mother is on me for not eating enough

YES!! All of these. One of the funniest was a company I worked for moved 25 engineers from Vermont to South Carolina. They laughed when they heard we were going to get an inch of snow. Two of them went off into the ditch on the way to work the next day. South Carolina snow is almost always on top of a layer of ice. I

As a phone tech helper, I sometimes get people who will not shut up long enough for me to tell them what to do - they keep on and on describing a problem - often repeating themselves over and over. And then going off on tangents that they think I might need to know ( if I need to know, I will ask) Seriously people I

I doubt the smart thermostat will fix that. Your problem sounds more like an air circulation problem. The original heating/cooling system was set up for just the single floor. It may now be undersized for the larger space. There may be no ducts going to the upstairs area either. Remember that putting in a heat duct

Back then you really had no choice - the company contracted with a financial supplier and you got whatever they had. The company changed supplier from time to time, I remember Magellen, and Fidelity were a suppliers of our 401k at various times. All of them promised the moon and all of them tanked when the banks

For 50 years every other SUV wanted to be a Jeep - and now Jeep wants to be every other suv. PLEASE Jeep go back to making Jeeps and not copies of euro suvs. There are lots of other euro suvs, but except for Wrangler - no Jeeps.

But then, after all of the bank manipulations a few years ago - I calculated that if I had put my money into a mattress fund instead of doing what all the experts said and putting it into a 401k - After factoring in inflation I would have had just about the same amount of money saved up. The fat cat bankers stole

The boss has a job to do, He is judged by his superiors on being able to complete that job on time and under budget - often that boss is not given enough time, qualified people or resources to do the job properly. So, he pushes the people he does have harder to get the job done. You suffer for higher management's

Just WOW. I would feel like I was living in a modern art museum. Just the table settings (24 @$3700 ea) cost nearly as much as my entire house. It is a beautiful house and he earned it through honest labor of making a very popular game. I hope he enjoys it as much (or more) than I have enjoyed playing his game.

Former Marine Sgt here. Most first sergeants & Captains will tend to look the other way as long as you keep it neat & shipshape at all times. They just won't see it if they see it. But a 2nd Lt can be a prick because he thinks that is how you are supposed to treat the enlisted poags.

Unfortunately that is all too typical of America's run by and for insurance company profit health care system. Pay up front for insurance, then pay again when you get sick, then pay again because you cannot afford it. Something like 80% of bankruptcy in the US is health related. Many people just put off important