
It depends a lot on are you really going to live there for a while (long enough to build up some equity) or just stay a couple of years and move on. Not long ago, the cost of houses was rising so fast that just 2 to 3 years could mean you could sell for more than enough to make up the difference - today, you had

My local county recycling center has a table just beyond the big dumpsters for household garbage where they want you to leave any paint - and there is a sign that it is free for the taking. There are usually a dozen or more cans of paint sitting on the table when I drop off the garbage.

Having conducted my own poll - using the simple expedient of actually asking those 'Native Americans' I am either related to or friends with. The typical answer got was Huh? Deeper probing reveals that most haven't given the Redskins name much thought at all. And the same with the Atlanta Braves and Cleveland Indians

My GF has lived in her current house for 40 years. The address has been changed 10 times during that time. The street has had 4 different names. The house has had several different numbers, and it was originally a RR address (rural route) which was changed several times. The current address is 123 South x road.

"But, this is the way we have always done it." and the biggest enforcers of that are not necessarily the executives, but the secretaries who have 20 years or more of tenure at the company. They will fight any change to the SOP harder than anyone else, and have more power than most executives realize.

How do you go about losing a car? I have been traveling extensively for business for over 40 years and never lost a car - I often have a rental that I have only had for a few hours and park it in a huge corporation parking lot that I have never seen before - and can always walk right to it. Then, my own car parked in

I have a nephew who has always expressed disdain for dress codes. His normal clothing is stained jeans with torn out knees, a grungy tee shirt with holes and sneakers that I would have thrown out years ago. He just got a job offer and was flown to NYC on short notice - He was told to wear a suit - He doesn't own a

Probably in the late 1970s. It was a DEC VT78. Not really a home computer, but it was available from work as the 78s were being replaced with a different computer. It came with a rolling table and a separate dual 8 inch floppy module. I still use the table as a roll around computer desk.

I seem to have all the bases covered.

I pulled this off back in the late 80s. I inherited chairmanship of a weekly meeting on warranty returns that typically drug out to between 1.5 to 2 hours and actually accomplished very little. Two thirds of the twenty people that attended had no reason to be there beyond the free doughnuts that were furnished, but

Over the time it has been up, I have turned on at least a dozen people to iGoogle. They all love it - Google never pushed it at all. Google wants to push us in the direction of newer tech like Google Glass and away from stuff like a desktop portal that allows you to see all of your info at a glance. there are many

Why does everyone automatically assume that Google reader was the only useful program that Google has removed? Look through the history - many are killed off every year, and their have been several that, unlike reader, have NO other alternative I actually rarely used reader, but did use several other programs that

Due to their propensity to randomly kill off features, I have consciously tried to NOT use more Google features in the expectation that if I do find something useful, they will just decide to kill it off when I come to depend on it.

Former owner of a security business here- Lots of good advice showing up. But one I haven't seen yet - If you arrive home and find you have been broken into - Don't enter the premisses until you are sure the thief has already left. Call the cops from outside. Do not stand between the door and any strange car parked

If you don't think a game is worth the asking price then don't get it - don't steal it and use that as an excuse. that is just being an arrogant entitled ass who is helping to ruin gaming for everybody.

Do you really think all of those devs worked their asses off for 4 years for free? The company actually had to pay them a salary. And pay for the state mandated benefits they paid, And pay the support staff (secretaries, accountants and PR drones) Then pay for the computers they used, then pay for the offices they

Another entitled ass who thinks not paying for someone's work is somehow justified Because he wanted it and was too cheap to give the small amount asked my the author. If you are too cheap to pay - then don't just steal. DON'T download it.

All lame excuses for stealing.

Unfortunately, when I start projects I'm not thinking about the social sharing that is prevalent today where the maker absolutely must stop every few minutes and take a pic to be posted to show off their work. I just do it, Then after it's done, think - Damn, I forgot to take pics - again.

My own solution: large screen mounted to wall using a inexpensive Monoprice wall mount - a hole in the wall behind the TV where I put a duplex power outlet (2 power outlets) and a low voltage plastic hole cover designed for cables to be run through.