
The first thing you have to realize is no matter what you do, It isn't going to matter to you after you are dead. All of these preparations are not for you - but for everyone else. When you die, you no longer have any say so in what happens. Hopefully someone cares enough to see to it that any plans you did make are

Drive paranoid they are ALL out to get you. - Great advice. I think I seen at least one accident caused by each of these.

Then YOU are part of the problem - Learn to drive.

I have an ex wife who is well known throughout the entire family for being chronically late. Our kids have learned to tell her to be somewhere around 2 hours early (yes, she is that late) For family affairs that we both need to attend - I just do whatever it was at the scheduled time and no longer worry about whether

Do you really know Steve Jobs? Or Bono? Or do you really just know their accomplishments?

Yup, slow - looks like even google is subject to the Streisand effect. I wasn't even considering using an ad blocker until The google play store decided to ban it. And I imagine lot of other people are now downloading and installing it because of the decision by google to not allow it in their toy store.

First off, I don't pirate if that were the only way to get something - I would just pass it up.

I would like to support sites by allowing ads. (and for a very few I do) However, the ad companies have a habit of expanding their advertising to fill any space available - including on top of the real content. I first installed an ad blocker when some scumbag advertisers began having a pop up cover what I was trying

Currently semi retired - I actually pulled this off at age 59, and am now 66 and still at it. I actually was planning and saving for retirement at 62, but the opportunity came early and I took it. I had been saving as much as I could - without feeling deprived. I had also put as much as allowed into a employers

Yup, and some of the worst offenders are EEs who think they know it all on account of they got a degree from a school that doesn't think an EE needs to actually learn to solder properly.

You completely missed rural homes with wells & their own water pump. - Most pumps have a pressure regulator that can be adjusted and a pressure gauge to tell you what the pressure is. Here is a link to tell you what to do if you have your own well & Pump.

Don't burn bridges. Always leave with a handshake and no hard feelings. Thank your current employer (not necessarily your immediate boss). An always truthful thing to say is "I learned a lot working here that I am sure will be useful in the future."

Never 'like' anything on FB. They use your likes to advertise to your friends. And some of those 'likes' are not at all what you thought. - You 'like' an article condemning Hitler? May well come out as you 'like' Hitler.

I learned this from my grandmother over 50 years ago.

This is nothing new and there is an excellent book that explains the entire phenomena. And it 's actually fun to read. Worst case - you will die laughing. I guarantee you will see your bosses in the book. It's called The Peter Principle - By Dr. Lawrence J. Peter (a pseudonym) And - It really does explain exactly what

Using a phone for anything while driving: I do a lot of phone tech support. I have learned that my troubleshooting is very visual - I SEE the thing I'm trying to explain - and if driving don't see the road even though my eyes are wide open and looking right at it. I tell the caller to hold on while I find a place to

Yup, I can verify that - a good friend had just purchased a .44mag revolver, and couldn't wait to get home to try it leaned over me in the pickup & fired before I realized he was going to do it. My ears rang for an hour.

When are people going to realize that privacy on facebook is a joke - anything you post there is likely to find it's way to anyone. You make a post that only your friends can see - one of your 'friends' then links it (or if they can't link, screencap) - and sends to all of their friends - that you may not even know,

Unfortunately, you are likely preaching to the choir on this. My GF is one of those who just refuses to believe that her McDonalds habit ("But I only order from the dollar menu, and a large coffee, most of the time.") is killing her budget. She refuses to even look at weekly, monthly or yearly costs - ("It's only a

I am not on FB due to personal privacy reasons. How do I prevent them from revealing info about me that other people post? And how is this not a privacy concern?