Unchill English Bro

I'm just gonna invest in Law firms until this whole thing blows over, that's where the real tech profits are going to go.

I'm gonna go ahead and say zero, but I guess you can go ahead and call me Negative Nancy.

Film has made a bit of a comeback over the last 5 years or so, apps like hipstamatic are based more on the current alt lo-fi film resurgence rather than days of yore. Personally I've got about 15 old film cameras, mostly 35mm and 120 formats, and I get through 5 or 6 rolls per month.

Bit like 4chan, but without the child pornography, so yeah, pretty sweet.


Thinner, lighter, less fugly?

For some reason when I looked at that all I could think was "minesweeper".


Agreed. A lot of the time I do rest my iPad on my lap, or on a table, with its smart cover, but that doesn't mean I don't hold it a lot as well. Whenever I'm showing someone pics on it, or whenever I'm reading on it, or in general whenever I'm not sitting down in a proper chair and don't have a table in front of me. I

Ok, but surely that will just mean a lot of false screen presses. The bezel is what you hold onto so your thumbs don't obscure the screen.

I can't help but predict that the news 4 months from now when this thing is launched will be "New Android tablet launched, nobody notices".

I'd be a lot more inclined to agree with you if you knew the difference between "their" and "they're", sorry to be snarky, but that really grates. Other than that though, you a pretty much agree with you.

Yes, yes they are.

Yeah, except that ham radio is by definition amateur radio, and I don't know about where you are, but over here the police aren't considered amateurs.

Woohoo! A bit of love for uk post-dubstep. Maybe the US can finally move on from the musical blight that is skrillex-wave.

I haven't seen any harry potter movies, but aren't they fictional works of fantasy with wizards & magic in them? I suppose you basing your idea of English food on them is about as legit as me basing my idea of American food on Kitchen Nightmares.

Dude, I know you guys can do a decent BBQ and I love me some buffalo chicken, but the rest of my knowledge of US restaurants comes from this []

No need to get shirty, I'm only playing. I love the US, in fact I'm coming over to visit for a couple of weeks on Saturday. Your cell carriers are all retarded and horrendously overpriced though.

Poor old USA, confusing and convoluting things since 1776. "Why can't they design a phone that I can use on multiple networks?" is what the rest of the world has.