I think one of the sore points of the prize that it's not just $25,000. It's a $25,000 voucher towards a vehicle! All the stealership had to do was throw in a few hundred bucks for insurance. Basically, they are out nothing.
I think one of the sore points of the prize that it's not just $25,000. It's a $25,000 voucher towards a vehicle! All the stealership had to do was throw in a few hundred bucks for insurance. Basically, they are out nothing.
The man is complaining because he thought he won one thing, when in fact he won a less expensive thing. If you went to the mall and there was a basketball hoop set up that said "Make a Shot and Win a Prize!" with a brand new Playstation or something sitting near the sign. You would probably assume you could win the…
I figure we can assume that people will create purpose-built rail boards, crowd the streets with them, getting random minor traffic citations until someone gets killed, then there will be a crackdown and hardly anyone will do it after that.
Because the Brodozer driver never tailgates any smaller vehicle/blows smokescreens out his stacks/is high on meth/is drunk when driving.
Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon perhaps? I think you just described half the people driving at any one time. I sure as hell seem to see as many Bro-McTrucks pulling the same poor driving habit many prius drivers have. Maybe roll some coal on themselves.
You mean the the clouds of black smoke that temporarily blind other drivers/road users? Or the selfish, reckless way these guys drive, as to cause an accident when they discover their 3 ton truck on mud tires can't stop from 20mph over the speed limit?
Yes, people piloting jacked-up full ton pickups with modded exhaust to belch black smoke are always the arbiters of highways safety and manners.
By "a little black smoke", do you mean "massive doses of visibility-damaging, lung-destroying carcinogens"?
Sorry, but poor driving by one person does not un-problemize a second doofus with annoying exhaust. I do not see your logic.
Can we also make the mega lifted trucks illegal too? You know those dude's aren't going off road and you can guarantee that they'll be decapitating people in a crash.
Yep, same asshole.
Says who? All American Valley trash?
In the town where I grew up, I tested the lights on a major street I drove on a lot. The speed limit was either 30 or 40, can't remember, and going the speed limit would get you mostly red lights. You could get all the lights green if you went either 20 or 45.
Of course this is anecdotal, but there have been many times on my commute home where the person in front of me is approaching a green light going at or under the speed limit. as a result, we both hit the red light. On my 15 minute commute, this can literally add an additional 5 minutes. My opinion is, if you can…
I don't so much speed as not waste time getting up to the speed limit. That, combined with familiarity of light timings on my commute, and the fact that it ensures that even if I get caught at a light, I won't be caught BEHIND someone that wants to granny it and go 10 mph under, winds up saving me time in the long run.
There are 3 cases with traffic lights. Either they're timed together (like in your example) they're timed individually (each light has a set red and green time), or they're using sensors (this is very common where I live).
I'll obey all traffic laws when cops do. At least you have a sense of humor about it.
If one speeds wouldn't they have a lower chance of being stopped at a light? How can that be factored into your calculations?