
Im sure if the Lambo had pulled out in front of the Mazda youd say 'it was the Mazdas fault he was speeding' lmao

No, it doesn't, because there is no proof that the Lambo was speeding. What there is proof of is that a Mazda pulled out in front of a Lamborghini and the Lamborghini didn't have enough time to stop.

Well, there's your problem.

If he had a base PT cruiser with 15" steelies with lots of sidewall, he wouldn't have had a problem.

He was later released by police and given $500. Apparently, Arizona's "Stand Your Ground" law needs a bit of tweaking.

I'm very disappointed in the lack of a jump over the section where you go under the bridge. If this were real "Karting" there would be more jumps! (and bananas and such)

Now playing

I do g karting once in a while, including a 125cc shifter kart... Its another world. You sit on the floor and do 0 to 60 in less than 3s. VERY fast.

You've definitely never driven a shifter kart then.

The Pinto case is not what the mass media portrayed and likely neither is this.

Should be a market right about now for bumper stickers that say...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in my experience there is a huge difference in steering effort between a steering rack designed to work with no hydraulic/electric assistance and a power steering rack that's been turned off. If you were going at a decent speed before a hairpin, I'm not sure even a reasonably strong person

The Veyron is a GT car, The Venom is a performance car, not a world record car

I think the takeaway here is that this car reached 270 on a runway. Meaning they had to leave enough room to slow down before the end of the runway. The Vernon set its records on a much longer course where it was unnecessary to leave room to stop. It's safe to say the Vernon wouldn't hit 269 on this runway.

Did you read the article? 11 have been made since debut. ANd considering they spend most of their time supercharging GM trucks and raptors, I find it amazing they managed to build a limited run, 270+ mph car.